@Golden State Warriors

Trying to make sense of our schedule re: total number of 3 games in 4 nights stretches

u/AllFalconsAreBlack and I were discussing in [this post]( the number of 3 games in 4 nights stretches we have in the schedule per NBA Stuffer’s breakdown in their table [here]( (they have us as having 15 total 3-in-4 stretches…see the column towards to the left of the one titled ‘1 day rest’) and the peculiarities in their definitions of the multiple 3-in-4 and B2B categories/distinctions they have, e.g. (for the below, X signifies a day where a game is played and 0 is no game played):

– 3-in-4 – X/X/0/X
– 3-in-4 B2B – X/0/X/X
– Soft B2B – …X/X (aka seemingly just a B2B lol)

*If you click the ‘Rest Days Explained’ tab above the table it shows their definitions.*

Why they have these distinctions at all, I couldn’t tell you lol. u/AllFalconsAreBlack correctly pointed out that their 3in4 B2B and soft B2B totals for us add up to 14 despite them having us down as 15 in the All B2Bs column. Even weirder being that they have us listed as having 6 soft B2Bs despite their definition of soft B2Bs being “2nd game in 2 consecutive days – pattern is …X/X” but again having us down as 15 total B2Bs (this is the accurate total of B2Bs, by the way, so this number isn’t in dispute).

SO, after having sufficiently tied my brain in one too many knots trying to figure out wtf they were talking about/trying to do with these distinctions and totals and whether any of the 3-in-4 totals may be off given the discrepancy in the soft B2Bs + 3in4 B2Bs numbers, I decided to go the old fashioned route and take a calendar version of our schedule and outline the 3 games in 4 nights stretches myself and to my surprise, seem to have found a total of 20 of them, not 15 if we’re going by the most basic and literal definition of 3 games in 4 nights (because let’s be honest, really not sure why you would use any other definition of it? lol). Given this is a much larger number than NBA Stuffer, despite their wonky categories/definitions, has for us I thought I’d post it here and have you guys check my work and correct me if I’ve double counted something or misidentified anything…we have tons of overlap with 3 in 4 games stretches, especially on the weekends, so after awhile it felt like my eyes were going cross trying to find and outline them lol so it’s possible I lost the plot along the way somewhere.

P.S. Was this an absurd use of my time? You bet lol but my curiosity was getting the better of me and it was going to bug me until I figured it out.

by taygads

1 Comment

  1. CummingInTheNile

    whoever made this schedule hates the Warriors

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