@Philadelphia 76ers

[Mike Lynch] Tyrese Maxey is the only player in at least the last 40 years to have 200+ points, 50+ assists and fewer than 15 turnovers through 8 games And that’s underselling it. He’s got 60 assists and 8 turnovers. 7.5/1 ratio He wasn’t even sure what position he’d be playing this season

[Mike Lynch] Tyrese Maxey is the only player in at least the last 40 years to have 200+ points, 50+ assists and fewer than 15 turnovers through 8 games And that’s underselling it. He’s got 60 assists and 8 turnovers. 7.5/1 ratio He wasn’t even sure what position he’d be playing this season

by HecLucas


  1. Downunderphilosopher

    Every stage of his career he has been doubted, and answered every question. He fell to 21 because he couldn’t shoot. All he has done is become one of the most efficient shooters in the league. Overcome all the doubts about his lack of passing ability, so much so that the team has moved on from the league assist leader without missing a beat. Now he is becoming a defensive asset and real pest in Nurse’s system, which no one but himself saw coming.

  2. Agitateduser1360

    I’m starting to think that this guy might be decent.

  3. Much like my love for Maxey, Maxey’s potential has no ceiling.

  4. jeppsforst

    8 turnovers in 8 games when the ball is in his hands every single possession. He’s a young superstar

  5. Ya_Beeenis

    I originally thought he wouldn’t be worth a max due to him being an undersized 2 guard with no defense or passing talent but this dude keeps proving me and everyone wrong. I’m not doubting him again.

  6. the_winter_woods

    He’s got the pocket pass down. He’s got the skip pass to opposite corner shooter with either hand down. And his handle is noticeably tighter and more reactive this year. I was not expecting this level of craft. The dude is a legit NBA lead guard.

  7. ShylockTheGnome

    I’ll admit it, I never thought his ceiling was this high. He is an all nba level talent which is really hard to be as a guard (if the old system was still in place).

  8. How2Mate8

    So does this mean we can stop cackling about trading for another guard? I mean Embiid, Tyrese and the current team are playing beautifully so lets stop looking to mess with a good thing and count our blessings. Oubre, Roco, Batum, Pat Bev are all solid role players and everybody but Jojo and Bball are free agents next year so lets ride this wave and worry about making changes next off season.

  9. Halfonion

    He’s only 23 too, his ceiling keeps on rising.

  10. Philly-lifegoeson

    His skill and confidence is increasing every game. It seems like there is no offensive maneuver that he will not try. He must be a nightmare to guard. If you give him the perimeter, he will shoot. If you defend against the perimeter, he would look for an angle to drive. If there is no angle, he sets up the next guy.

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