@National Basketball Association

James Harden against the Grizzlies: 11/4/3 on 4/12 shooting and 1/7 from three, game worst -28


Not a great start for Harden as a Clipper to say the least

He’s now been game-worst in plus minus 3 out of his first 4 games and was benched for most of the mini-comeback they had today

by honestnbafan


  1. asapshrank

    chris broussard might have been onto something

  2. xerxesthagreat

    fat boy wanna be a 4PF member instead of hooping

  3. cesga_0218

    That Clippers comeback with Harden on the bench was giving 2015 vibes

  4. In a 3 point loss he was -28… what the actual fuck how

  5. Wide-Store8493

    And he went to La to get a max contract LOL

  6. madhare09

    Did Harden Space Jam Kawhi and then throw the ball away without taking the powers?

  7. Kawhi is one of the worst closers in the past 2 years now

  8. atlfirsttimer

    Played like trash. But I thought the mistake was in the clutch they stopped playing team ball and went to Kawhi isos

  9. Good_NewsEveryone

    I’m just so confused. The only people who had concerns about this team were haters who don’t watch games. Why are they so bad?

  10. No-Equipment-20

    Ya’ll joke but just wait until he ramps up 😤

  11. Muted_Dog7317

    Where are all the Harden apologists?

    The guys saying he’s better than Hali, Trae, Fox, etc…

  12. Damn, time to buy low on Harden stock. Peak pessimism right now.

  13. Jamesbroispx

    Minus 28 in a game where they lost by 4 is absolutely FOUL, how is that even possible

  14. Kawhi gotta be one of the most overrated players ever I’m sorry

  15. bravof1ve

    Clippers were actually coming back until he returned to the court late in the 4th

  16. CriticallyThougt

    As a 76er’s fan I can say Harden helped the 6er’s out so much with getting rid of Simmons (I know I know Simmons is going to break out any moment), with draft capital, getting us a bench, wing depth, doc fired, Nurse hired and giving Maxey probably the best bits of himself I actually like Harden. Thanks bro!

  17. jackbob99

    Might as well throw some butter on him, cause he’s toast.

    I’ll see my way out.

  18. He’s made the Clippers worse. Idky they traded for him.

  19. Prestigious-Rock201

    The security guard who refused to let harden on the plane deserves the Medal of Honor if we win it all

  20. penis_pockets

    He has 6 more games until we can see where he’s at.

  21. no1careskid

    james harden’s legacy will be that he was a cancer that killed 3/4 teams hopes with his antics

  22. HoeImOddyNuff

    Thank you for our 2nd win Mr. Harden 😁👍

  23. Middle-Welder3931

    “Because James, you’re not the beard, you’re not the system, you’re the PROBLEM.”

  24. He needs to come off the bench like he did in OKC.

    I was watching a video of him drop 40 in OKC, doing things you’d NEVER see him do anymore (slashing, cutting, catch and shoot threes, etc).

    He just doesn’t even try when the ball isn’t in his hands

  25. ttone5722

    Man forgot he got traded already. Still trying to play himself off the sixers🤣

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