@New Orleans Pelicans

“Last Year, We Had A Team Meeting And We Brought Up Some Things I Can Do Better, Especially With Buying Into The Program. Right Now, It’s Tough. I’m Taking A Little Bit Of A Backseat Right Now. Im Trusting The Process. I’m Trying My Best To Buy In Right Now.” – Zion

“Last Year, We Had A Team Meeting And We Brought Up Some Things I Can Do Better, Especially With Buying Into The Program. Right Now, It’s Tough. I’m Taking A Little Bit Of A Backseat Right Now. Im Trusting The Process. I’m Trying My Best To Buy In Right Now.” – Zion

by BatmanHive


  1. ChineseFishTickler

    Willie needs to get a fucking grip on this team before it implodes. These players don’t need the nice guy coach who is their friend.

  2. Ok-Comfortable1111

    Zion absolutely should not be taking a back seat, he’s the best player on the team

  3. lmao12367

    Red flags all over the place rn, especially Zions shitty attitude. Dark days for Nola professional teams.

  4. _Wado3000

    You can’t fuck up like this kid was doing tonight and start pointing fingers. You want the ball more than BI, cool, but when he sat you were the main fuckin reason Mavs grew a lead at the end of the 1st Q. You wanna blame scheme, dog you only have 1 move after 5 years in the league. He can get the fuck out with this bullshit.

  5. mitch3311

    How’d he take a backseat tonight? Dude turned the ball over 6 times, took 8 free throws, 11 attempts, and had four dimes in 26 minutes.

    He did something everytime he touched the ball tonight.

    This type of attitude is rough man.

    One day pels fans/media is gonna wake up and realize that he might actually be the problem 🤔👀

  6. Legitimate-Lawyer-45

    I was all in Zion for a long time, but watching him play this season is just so predictable, and relies on hi insane athleticism. ISO at the top of the key drive left and lay-up. It’s just not gonna work long term and now they can’t get a single win. I guess I’ll hold off until Trey, herb, and cj comeback. But idk it’s pretty sad to watch

  7. I must be an idiot because I literally don’t know what he means

  8. NeckChoice980

    He hasn’t been great this year.

    And. We were at our best last year when we were running point Zion as our main half-court concept, before the injury. Same story during the SVG year.

    Right now our offense has no identity whatsoever. It’s just a bad offense.

  9. ASithLordNoAffect

    Agree with Zion. He needs the ball more. The turnovers tonight are irrelevant. The offense runs better when he’s the focus. BI doesn’t make plays for others like Zion does. Not sure what Green is thinking.

  10. Thinking back to last season, it was the same start to the offense last year. With the type of touches he’s getting now – Post ups and isos and the ball more in BI/CJ hands. BI get injured and then it goes back to point zion.

    I assume the team meeting was about the offense last year before it was derailed by injuries. He’s not really taking a backseat because he’s still getting touches. But I guess in the kind of player he sees himself as he’s taking a step baback and doing what they want him to do in the offense.

    Either way this sounds bad to say. Especially after a loss it sounds like an excuse. But it seems like he’s miserable in the offense and because hes a bit of a diva his effort is taking a nosedive.

  11. DamnImAwesome

    Are we at the “blow the team up and build around trey Murphy and co” yet?

  12. jruegod11

    They need to trade Zion ASAP – watch it not happen and we fall apart

  13. AresTheMars

    This kid has some serious attitude problem. He’s got only 1 move for yrs and when he does bad at the offensive end he just gives up the defensive end as well. We r going no where with this crying baby. Don’t give me the bullshit abt how injured our roster is I HAVE SEEN THE GAMES AND HE IS THE MAJOR PROBLEM.

  14. afriendlyspider

    How about buy in to playing defense and getting a rebound or two?

  15. This is fucking bullshit. First and last time buying season tickets for me. If they don’t care, I’m not sure why I should. His attitude is garbage.

  16. Cautious-Apartment-9

    Petulant. Silly me for thinking having a child would light a fire under his ass. He doesn’t have any counter once his drive to the left is taken away. Doesn’t do anything but stand around unless he has the ball in his hands.

  17. ahungrybatman

    Zion needs to be taking the ball up the court and running point. We made the fucking 1st seed using point Zion

  18. He said while having the same amount of touches as last year.

    You’re playing like shit, own up to it and quit putting it on others. You spend every season on the couch and been fuckin us over because of that, your right to complain about who’s what option is nonexistent

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