@Portland Trail Blazers

[Post Game Thread] The Portland Trail Blazers (3-6) fall to The LA Lakers (5-5) 110-116

[Post Game Thread] The Portland Trail Blazers (3-6) fall to The LA Lakers (5-5) 110-116

by Kazekid


  1. 37 to 9 free throw disparity and we were still in it the whole way, fuck LA and fuck the refs, we’ll get a chance for revenge in a couple of games

  2. TheLetterOh

    Good year, bad year, doesn’t matter. I fucking hate losing to the Lakers.

    Skylar Mays got such a smooth game tho. Earned every cent of that contract.

    9 freethrows to 37.. really?

  3. flawson_9

    The refs ruin the product. Every time AD touched the ball I expected a whistle

  4. toadtruck

    Did Matisse seriously get zero second half minutes after scoring 14???

  5. So is Billups ever gonna let shaedon be the main ball handler? Or does he just like pushing him in the corner

  6. Bieberkinz

    Given the FT difference, the sloppy points, all of this to beat us? Iā€™m chillin personally. Just what was wild to me was Shaeā€™s and a lesser extent, Tisseā€™s minutes

  7. sean_buttcannon

    A blazers loss is still a win.

    Skylar mays is a dog, Reath is a dog.

    If we donā€™t win, I want to see competitive losses and thatā€™s what tonight was.

    Go blazers.

  8. riptide123

    Ayton is such a bum and doesnā€™t want to be on this team – itā€™s v annoying

  9. BelieveInThe

    Hachimura not getting called for that charge even after a replay is just…wtf

  10. just remember guys, as long as your defender is moving, you can do whatever you want to them. even step on their foot, lower your shoulder and bowl them to the ground. ez defensive foul.

  11. ZebTheDread

    Refs and helping the Lakers shoot free throws. What else is new?

  12. its_nevets

    Couldnt buy a foul in that 4th Quarter. Seems like draft kings wins again via refs help. The tank rolls on!

  13. Testicular-Fortitude

    Officiating is a joke but whatā€™s important is the loss ainā€™t bad and Shaedon showed even more of what he can be. His playmaking has taken such a huge leap this year. Either more experience heā€™s going to be elite

  14. Shaedon really need to shift his mentality.. he needs to make it like he should be the lead scorer. The keep passing off part irritates me. End of 3rd quarter 17 points, end of game also around the same

  15. HistoricalKnee738

    sharpe really needs to get more touches in the 4th. feels like since the first memphis game heā€™s been invisible in late game situations

  16. Neither team looked that great tonight, but the Lakers had 3 extra players on the court which definitely helped them out.

  17. Voidrunner503

    Jerami Grant tonight reminded me of that Kobe meme photo where heā€™s shooting over 5 players

  18. ninetwentyfour_

    They might not get the win, but theyā€™re going to make the other team fight for it.

  19. AussieTrogdor

    IDC that we lost or the FTs or that stuff because that will happen. But Iā€™m annoyed at the lack of concentration and effort towards the end, we are in a tight game and were very pedestrian like getting to loose balls, making rotations and hustling in general. It looked like the players wanted to lose

  20. pdxjoseph

    I didnā€™t watch the game but Iā€™m struggling to understand why weā€™re upset about a 6 point loss with half of our team injured during a tanking/development year

  21. Man ayton drawing zero fouls every game is just a killer.. dude is a damn good ft shooter and we get nothing there

  22. Such-Egg-7584

    Reath is a huge liability on the defensive end

  23. rexter2k5

    Fuck the Lakers. They deserve no flowers for this game.

    Our young guys however? They continue to impress and just play like dawgs on the court. The moment Toumani and Jabari start making threes we’ll see the offense pop a little more. Blazers also might be able to trade Brogdon because of Mays. He’s such a gamer and it is amazing.

    Shaedon needs to develop some more aggressive shooting habits. He plays well within the flow of the offense, but he has these opportunities where he just needs to rise up and shoot the damn ball. Also not mad at the 40+ minute experiments. He’s young and he needs the reps.

    Reath is an enigma. Bouyea is a Snack Pack Drex. Blazers are shorthanded but we move on and I am still encouraged by what we saw.

    GG let’s go fuck up some Jazz.

  24. KillingTime_ForNow

    Did Shae get a single fucking whistle all night? He got raked on so many drives that weren’t called.

  25. Testicular-Fortitude

    Skylar was great but imo Reath was the one that showed he could be a rotation piece down the line. His scoring and athleticism could be a fantastic depth piece if he keeps improving

  26. Sensitive-Sorbet917

    I mean Iā€™m not upset- they played hard- there are so many adjustments happening and injured players. We had a good development w brogdon and rob. I felt like things were starting to gel. Itā€™s tough to see so many changes but now is the time to do it I suppose. Not a lot of pressure. Lots of guys want to prove themselves and go hard. Itā€™s good to see. But at the end of the day Iā€™d be discouraged with not getting any calls. Fuck the lakers and those refs

  27. gerrard_1987

    Gotta love even the Lakers announcers saying that blocking foul on Grant should’ve been a charge. The two-minute report could be interesting.

    The Blazers fought well. The Lakers are better, even without LeBron. Hopefully Portland has Brogdon back by Friday.

  28. Davtorious

    Skylar Mays is legit. Easily the best ball handler on the floor tonight.

    Jerami is playing at his best, similar to the beginning of last season, but he is not a clutch 3 shooter. Those shots need to start going to Sharpe.


    Fuck the refs.

  29. Forbidden_Donut503

    Great game.

    Our guys were playing HARD, just didnā€™t execute down the stretch.

    37-9 FT disparity? Really? That botched call with Grant was most likely the game. A young inexperienced team tends to get super deflated after let downs like that. Still, they battled though.

    Iā€™m actually pretty encouraged by what I saw. Davis was just too much. Could Chauncey actually be a good coach?

  30. be__bright

    Smarter rotations and I think this could have been ours. Impressed with the young guys fight. Jazz game should be fun.

  31. Eastern_Site3936

    Even though we have lost this two games I genuinely believe mays is better at point than brogdon. He continues to make the correct passes while not forcing shots but still takes shots when defenders sags

  32. ripcity_pilgrim

    The Great Barrier Reath made me a believer tonight.

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