@Golden State Warriors

Rudy holds Draymond down, Draymond called for foul. Challenge unsuccessful

Rudy holds Draymond down, Draymond called for foul. Challenge unsuccessful

by kyh0mpb


  1. Deleted and reposted bc typo.

    I try not to buy into the conspiracy bullshit, but how do you explain this one? I’m at a loss.

  2. It’s funny you should post this because I was literally coming to post the same clip to point out the players’ reactions (the absurdity and gall of the call, and even worse the unsuccessful challenge goes without saying). I didn’t really pay attention to them when I saw it live but I noticed them going through game tape just now and they make me laugh every time I watch it now in such an I feel for them way. Especially Klay, Dario, Dray, and Steph’s on the court and Podz on the bench…and then adorable Wiggs with his version of outwardly frustrated, the lone hand on the hip. They were so over the BS at that point

  3. WisdomCow

    They expect us to now be happy it did not get Draymond a technical, I guess.

  4. Nessmuk58

    That was absolutely atrocious. I give the refs a lot of leeway for mistakes they make in real time, but to uphold that after review really does make me wonder if the fix was in.

  5. GoldenStateWorrierr

    Wait, I thought the refs were on the Warriors payroll?

  6. That one was absolutely outrageous. The fact that Draymond gets called for the foul for simply existing was mind blowing.

  7. itsavirus

    Marc Davis is a known clown for a reason. Dude calls that through a Wolves and 2 Warriors players and still doesn’t overturn it out of his own bullshit ego.

  8. 2strokeYardSale

    No whistle? Fine, let them play.

    Foul on Draymond? Not the right call. Easily corrected upon review.

    Challenge unsuccessful and foul stands on review? I am at a loss for words.

  9. has this been posted in r/nba? can’t wait to see the Dray haters justification for this, they make up some wild ass reasoning on par with the Zebras refing logic.

  10. jking94577

    the weirdest thing was that our csn local broadcast did not even tune into the explanation. all we hear is that it was unsuccessful. does the conspiracy even involve our local broadcast team?

  11. ballgreens

    Games aren’t worth watching at the moment, nothing to do with the play. The terrible reviews to go with the terrible calls make you feel like a sucker for tuning in and taking the league seriously. The reviews spell it out plain, how either incompetent they are, or how crooked.

  12. barstoollanguage

    Couldn’t believe this wasn’t over turned.

  13. jfriend00

    These challenges are just BS now – they flat out don’t work. The refs look for any possible trickle of a reason to justify their original call rather than looking at everything that happened and decide what is the right call here. And, frankly, it’s making the refs look every worse because they aren’t prioritizing getting the call right – they’re prioritizing defending their first action which is NOT at all what challenges/reviews are for.

    It is so obvious that Draymond has position first and Gobert holds Draymond down. Yes, Draymond backs up a bit, but that’s inconsequential in the overall scheme of things compared to what Gobert did. A player isn’t allowed to come from behind, push you in the back, then put his hand on your should and jump while holding you down. That’s clearly a foul and is the dominant action that affected the play. Any ref worth their salt that wasn’t biased calling this from scratch would call a foul on Gobert or at worst, let them play.

    Perhaps a problem with refs reviewing their own calls?

    Baseball does the review centrally so it isn’t the ref doing their own review. I’m not sure how NFL reviews work.

  14. PettyPettyKing

    Yeah the refs been fucking us left and right. I’m about to get that “ref you suck” chant going on Tuesday night.

  15. The wolves were literally walking back on defence even they thought it was warriors ball.

  16. The_Dude_Abides97

    NBA doesn’t want anyone else to win 5th ring before LeBron.

  17. granttheginger

    Marc Davis, from across the court, managed to see through all those bodies to call the foul.

    Fuck Marc Davis, worst ref in the league. He hates the Warriors

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