@Boston Celtics

I love Paul Pierce

That’s it that’s the post.

by timeknife91


  1. it-was-justified

    He ain’t wrong tho. It’s close.



  2. space_peg6549

    Curry is the only American that comes close. And I’d say tatum is better rn

  3. Eisenhorn76

    The Truth is right. JT and Curry are the best American players today. That dude who responded to Paul has poor reading comprehension.

  4. GooseMay0

    I dunno, kind of a douche response from Pierce. Not like the person was being disrespectful. Retired Pierce is just looking more and more like a disgruntled alcoholic with financial issues.

  5. JesseJamesGames449

    only argument is Curry. Thats why i never understood everyones Olympic line ups starting KD and Lebron.. tatum is CLEARLY better than both of them.

  6. paintingfainter

    Right now, easily. And I would argue that, if he wanted to be a selfish stat-padder or foul merchant, he’d be averaging even more insane numbers. But he’s not, which we love!

  7. He’s the beat in any country. Frankly just going by Americans there’s not much competition. The top 3 or 4 next best guys are foreign. I’d much rather have Tatum than any of them though. Jokic and Luka get siphoned a ton of assists and rebounds, because their teams force everything their way, but Tatum is better imo.

  8. BigBadBen91x

    Buttering our boy up for an auto loan ay Truth?

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