@Golden State Warriors

Do the Golden State Warriors Need to Make Lineup Adjustments or is Time the Remedy for Success?

Cyrus Saatsaz starts the week with a live episode and is joined by Greg Silver to discuss the Golden State Warriors’ three game losing streak, and whether lineup adjustments are needed to get the team back on track or if a simple dose of time is needed to let struggling players correct their issues.


  1. I'm so glad someone else is discussing the trainwreck of a coaching job Steve Kerr is performing. Play the young guns, play Tray. I would make starting on this team something that is earned not granted. Tray and JK should start in lieu of Klay and Wiggins until they show that they have corrected their performance issues.

  2. It’s time for the warriors to start looking into making some changes in some trades unfortunately, we need to get bigger and more athletic. Small ball not gonna work anymore, Denver has the blueprint it’s time to shake things up so curry won’t waste this great season!

  3. Thank you for your sound voice of reasoning Greg Sliver. Cyrus is just way too emotional and dramatic. 2 games ago he was so pumped up about the Warriors then all of a sudden the sky is falling. He is too wishy washy for a man.. cries like a baby too much. It’s only 11 games in… Only 1 player has a 21 point game and we still have a winning record. Calm down. Nothing is won or lost in November

  4. Fire Kerr if he continues his stubbornness. Fire Bumleavy Jr also.. trade cp3

  5. No problem. Other than being old and tiny and unathletic without the ability to shoot warriors are good.

  6. for how much klay and wiggins is getting paid they are playing horribly. they are nowhere near their former allstar levels. klay honestly i understand he came back from 2 career ending injuries but he didnt do anything afterwards to get back into top shape. wiggins after being gone last year seems to have reverted back into the failed number 1 pick.

  7. Kerr is the emotional 1 now. Lol. If wiggins hit at least 45% of his jump shot warriors are fine. Klay is just there for distraction even if he doesnt score.

  8. Last year is definitely a good representation of the coaching staff. This isn't a new coaching staff. lol Habits die hard and Kerr and crew is keeping to that. Let's start with small ball. This isn't new. They've leaned towards that for years. That is absolutely a representation from last year. That's just one example. There are many more.

  9. They give Draymond Greene that 3 point shot. No one is near him for a reason.— because he is going to pass the ball. Also, he is famous for being thrown out. McGee and Cousins went to the Kings.

  10. Poole didn't like Draymond — KD didn't like Greene and KD was a better than Greene. If I was Poole I would not want to play with either after he hit me.

  11. play klay and wiggins less till they get their head straight.. and for god sake dont let them finish games when they're playing horribly..

  12. Steph needs rest. Carrying the whole roster + coach who thinks he invented chess is hard.

  13. A. Don't overthink it. Like i've saying all along the ONLY ADJUSTMENT Needed is 7'3" Freak Moses Brown 💪 and Problem Solved. It's THAT SIMPLE. Chase Arena, just BELIEVE.

  14. Give Klay his extension. Clear his mind that he is playing for his job. If you don't think that this is having an affect your kidding yourself. As Klay the Golden State goes.

  15. Keep hearing that, but nobody said he was a problem but the media. I haven't heard a player say it. Only Draymond

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