@San Antonio Spurs

Spurs ARE TANKING AGAIN and I’m ANGRY! San Antonio Spurs News

I’ve had it with the blow-outs!

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  1. Sorry for my rant and if I was all over the place at the end, but I want so much more for our guys. GO SPURS GO!

  2. We are tanking and we are really bad! Jeremy has gone backwards from last season, Keldon is kinda average. Not impressed with Bassey. What Mamu has done to pop that he wont get minutes ? – my god i was so impressed by him last season.

  3. I feel you. I was having so much fun watching the first half of that game. The Spurs were playing so well, then it just fell apart with the same issues: bad passing, no urgency on defense and on the boards, never guarding the three point line, and, perhaps most egregious of all, missing open looks from their spots.

  4. c'mon… so now it is Collins fault???? stop with this bs tanking narrative, Spurs now play worse than last season (when they were tanking for real)

    it is all on Pop, and this stupid idea "point Sochan", Sohan for now should be on bench, and I mean 8th or 9th guy in rotation

    Collins and Keldon should be last to blame, they fight every game

    The team is good enough to win games like vs Raptors or Heat lately, start winning what you can win!!!

    Somebody got to say it. Pop is too old for this shit, he is looking on everything, but not for results

  5. Still To Early To Tell Right Now? Hopefully There Not Tanking? If So Then Spurs Need New Directions 'Coach Pop's Must Go

  6. I think wemby will balling in Houston rockets scheme because they got plenty of talent and a point guard and coach

  7. I want to believe Pop doing some strategic plan on building other players stats to build their trade stock so Spurs can get like Murray trade because Pop know Spurs are not ready for the playoffs. My hope that what he doing.

  8. You can tell pop is not coaching this team doesn’t seem like he is getting on to anyone for mistakes like he used to do to Danny green and Lonnie and you know he wants wemby to touch the ball in the paint more this is no single players fault as much as I want to blame the whole thing on Collins but I think it would be really cool for the spurs to bring patty mills back who is being wasted at ATL and let him teach a new PG the spurs way once we draft one as far as I can tell tho we are tanking till pop decides to actually coach

  9. Again we need a point guard badly the ball's barely moving we need a center a big center someone that can defend like this is bad asf we need someone else I'm starting to question pop myself as a die hard spurs fan I'm tired of losing every damn game getting blown out we couldn't score 4th quarter its was a play vic was open under the goal sochan looked at him threw it past him to vassell like trade needs to happen damn next year we got the players and the picks now trade trade trade again I would give up everybody for donovan Mitchell and Mitchell Robinson for the spurs we need a true guard who can pass and score at will to take pressure off the scoring end but we also need a true center zach is a great back up but not a starter he can't hit open 3s at time and he also gets bullied Mitchell Robinson knows his role and plays it awesome we need him badly them for that matter everybody but wemby can go

  10. Not only has Sochan looked uncomfortable as a point guard. He also played soft especially last night. If he doesn't play with his usual tenacity, he has nothing to show for.

    And it's not just him. Our starting lineup has been very difficult to watch so far. It kind of settles down with Tre Jones on the floor. Devotae Graham had the same effect last night in the 2nd quarter.

    Maybe Pop has gone insane. The very definition of such is doing the same thing expecting the same result. So yeah, this losing streak is all on Pop for trying the same thing over and over again and failing each time.

  11. 100%. There is difference between losing and losing bad. We just were terrible overall. I don't want us to force ourselves on play-in games but we need to win to take something away and learn from the game which we have not even been able to do for these blowout loss. Sochan experiment, while it has its benefit, need to come to an end. He can maybe do that when we are blowing the opp, but if not, it needs to go to Tre or Graham. Wemby should stop forcing 3s, and everyone needs to stop with hero ball mainly Keldon and Devin.

    Keldon needs to be a sixth man, not the the main guy. He can't defend and he is NOT good at clutch time as he has a tunnel vision.

    Overall, Pop needs to make heavy change on how players are being used. Losing in this manner is just not good for learning and team's morale.

  12. First things first GSG. We need to trade a player or two and a first round pick and get a young established point guard. Then we will be atleast in playoff contention. I can still see us making the playoffs this year once we start gelling. GSG

  13. Man I agree with you, losing by such large margins is ridiculous. What the heck is pop thinking of. They need to be careful that Wemby doesn’t lose his love for the Spurs.

  14. Victor wanted to be drafted by the Spurs because of Pop. He's said many times it's a process and he approves of it. If Pop were to start coaching for wins, Wemby would have been benched on so many occasions for his poor shot selections and turnovers.
    The plan is to win RoY and for that he has to see the court. Pop isn't looking for a PG; and Tre as much as I like him isn't a starting PG. Pop wants a ball handler with size, who plays both sides of the ball, and for now Jeremy is it.
    The team will get better. Wemby is playing with teammates he's never played with before, against players he's never played against, in a league he's never played in before.
    He'll be better in most of the subsequent meetings. We just need to be patient. Go Spurs Go!

  15. …I don't think we're tanking…we just suck…and pop should retire his glory day's are far behind him…pop is going to be 75 years old in January that's pretty old… he's not the same coach anymore… he's like an old athlete that doesn't know when to step away they just look bad and that's pop right now…and he's doing things he never did before… he's trying to hard to do something that's not working and it's not working with sochan…this team defensively is bad worst spurs team ever…pop is doing shit he never used to do as a winning coach.. defensively I don't think this team will Improve wemby is the only defensive player they have…this team just isn't any good…

  16. I literally couldn’t agree with you more! We just gotta hope the Pop has something up his sleeve? I just don’t want Victor to learn bad losing habits. Just start a point guard out there for crying out loud!

  17. I don't get it. If the problem is that this is a young team, as Pop says at every game, why is it a good idea to get a bunch of inexperienced young guys from a class that is documented to be mediocre?

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