@Golden State Warriors

[WOJ] The NBA is suspending Golden State’s Draymond Green for five games, source tells ESPN.

[WOJ] The NBA is suspending Golden State’s Draymond Green for five games, source tells ESPN.

by sumchinesewill


  1. ryancashh

    Anybody else sick of Draymond doing dumb shit like this all the time? You’re 33 years old and are viewed as a leader. Grow up.

  2. thejeffphone

    r/nba in shambles that it’s not a lifetime ban

  3. Currymvp2

    I anticipated around this much. Draymond is so reckless, and these problematic antics are a recurring problem. Longest suspension for a play during a game since Artest elbowed Harden in 2012 (Artest received a seven game suspension).

  4. TheRealSlumShedy

    Thought it was gonna be a much longer suspension tbh

  5. Honestly it’s time for everyone else to step up. The Warriors played decently with Draymond out at the beginning of the season.

  6. prestigiousstrangery

    Sounds about on par with what everyone was suggesting (except for Jay Williams LOL)

  7. tyrusthomas11

    Ticket prices next couple of games without Steph and Draymond should be low, but the schedule looks rough.

  8. Mister100Percent

    Ayyy not bad at all. Gives him time to cool off and definitely be back by the time Steph recovers. At least he’s getting his yearly big suspension done early this season haha.

  9. deliciouspuppy

    i predicted 3 games min, 7 games max, so 5 right in the middle. tbh sounds pretty fair given dray’s reputation and previous ejections.

  10. stayfrosty

    Not surprised at all. Too many incidents and the league has been signaling to him for a while to cut it out. It doesn’t get through to him so they will keep on suspending him more and more.

  11. GuestBadge

    Draymond made a bad move with that long headlock. If he wants to defend a teammate next time a push is enough.

  12. BobRoss4Life

    Thought it’d be 3, not surprised about 5. Can’t really say it’s unwarranted. Sucks, hopefully the team doesn’t sink too far below .500.

    Next 5 games:

    11/16 vs OKC

    11/18 vs OKC

    11/20 vs HOU

    11/22 @ PHX

    11/24 vs SAS

    With Steph missing at least the first OKC game, this stretch is gonna be kinda rough. Thunder have been balling, Rockets honestly have too, and Suns just got their big 3 together. Gotta hope they don’t slip into a bit of an early season hole, that came back to bite them last year.

    Helps most of them are at home. Should be able to win at least 2-3 of those, maybe more if Steph only misses a game and the rest of the roster actually steps up.

  13. stayfrosty

    What I am really sick of is how every season has to be about something Dray did not basketball related. I just want basketball to be about this team not all this nonsense he brings. Last year it was the punch, then it was the playoff stomp, now its a choke. I just don’t want the story to be Draymond anymore.

  14. Altruistic-Twist-379

    And as always the organization will not hold his ass accountable, like you can still be that tough dude but at the same time stoo getting yourself in these types of situation, every fucking year man.

  15. Interesting Gobert is getting fined the same as Klay and Jared…. but if he’s the peacemaker, why is he getting fined at all? If they think he’s not a peacemaker, why didn’t they give him a tech?

  16. skylord650

    Man. All this after saying our culture is so much better and turned around this year.

  17. itchygold

    League softer than KATs fake deep voice act lmao. Good time for our bench to step up and get some experience early on in the season.

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