@Chicago Bulls

[Cowley] While LaVine remains well liked in the locker room personally, there have been growing questions by teammates and the coaching staff about his accountability going back to last season.


Full Quote: While LaVine remains well liked in the locker room personally, there have been growing questions by teammates and the coaching staff about his accountability going back to last season.

There are games in which he was pouty after a win, and then losses in which teammates didn’t understand where he was directing the blame publicly, said a source.

by howser343


  1. Capital-Vacation-881

    You could tell with the players reactions on the court when Zach misses a switch or a coverage

  2. SmokimNoah

    Im not saying this stuff isn’t true, but why is it guys who are always reported to be liked and professional, as soon as they’re in trade rumors every journalist has info that they’re secretly a POS?

  3. sharkchoke

    I know people here think all media are hacks and everything is a hit job, but in the real world this has been a low key rumbling for a while. Reports like “they didn’t feel like a team” are nice ways of saying zach stands apart. I mean it ain’t demar. And let’s be real, vuc is an afterthought when it comes to who runs this team.

  4. Emotional-Tailor-649

    Man this is the best dirt they can find? Pathetic attempt by AKME — they aren’t even competent enough to properly scapegoat a player they don’t want.

    AKME being upset with anyone displaying a lack of accountability is hilariously hypocritical of them.

  5. chitownbulls92

    This is the same PR shit the Bulls do when they were trading Jimmy, Rose, Noah etc….this organization is so damn toxic…

  6. Doesntcheckinbox

    Watch this be the FO angling to sell us on a Demar led Bulls

  7. ThisOneGoes211

    I mean if we rebuild we can at least force Williams to play a central role and then we’ll really know what he’s worth

  8. AggravatingSalt2726

    Sad about all of this anti-Zach Lavine propaganda.

  9. Retrokicker13

    I want to see Cowley for once have some journalistic integrity and give a Fck Jerry. Just once.

    Not a Lavine guy, but this isn’t his fault. Put some blame on this cheap owner, somebody.

  10. CallofJuarez23

    No shit, Sherlock? But for real, after how he acted after Billy benched him last season, that showed me he doesn’t know how to take full accountability. I am a fan of LaVine (as controversial as that may sound right now lol), but it’s been clear that he believes in himself to a fault. He thinks that no matter how bad he plays that he should be absolved from the same accountability as others because of his talent. That I do not like about him.

    P.S. I’m basing my post based on the subject line alone. Not saying I completely believe all of the reporting or not.

  11. ducksonaroof

    This is just manufactured consent NBA edition. Ignore this clown – he’s doing Jerry a favor so he gets access.

  12. I hate this shit, zachs been nothing but professional by all accounts for the past 6 years but ofc bulls gonna run a smear campaign again

  13. Here we go with the pile on lol.. can only manage to keep the bad PR away for so long aye

  14. Papa_Boat17

    Not again! Plz for the love of god, every time! Theres always something negative about our star players before they’re leaving. It always comes out last second! Wtf is this org, and why am I so damn loyal to these frauds of ownership and management?! Ugh I love the players and sometimes the coaches but Jesus christ the org as a whole needs to do 100x better! I’m sick and tired boss I’m fucking sick and tired of this shit!

  15. BirdLawApprentice

    can we stop with the transition 3s? youre not a transition 3 team

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