@Toronto Raptors

[Lewenberg] Darko on slow starts: “Trust me, we’re thinking about it a lot and trying to figure that out. The guys starting the game, they’ve got to bring it more. I just thought we didn’t have pop for whatever reason. I’m trying to detect it myself, what the reason was for the slow start”

[Lewenberg] Darko on slow starts: “Trust me, we’re thinking about it a lot and trying to figure that out. The guys starting the game, they’ve got to bring it more. I just thought we didn’t have pop for whatever reason. I’m trying to detect it myself, what the reason was for the slow start”

by DeludedRaptorsFan


  1. CazOnReddit

    Game Freak really needs to step the fuck away from the NBA, we don’t need that Regigigas stuff here

  2. when you play without Gary/OG the past 2 games, and give more minutes to low (ball) IQ bench players, shit gets worse.

  3. it’s because you have 5 starters, where one of them is the PG and thinks he should run the offense, one of them thinks himself the best player on the team and would rather just do iso’s, and one guy who is doesn’t want to hurt people and end up letting the other 2 guys do their thing. The remaining 2 guys are completely confused as to who’s doing what because only 1 of 3 guys are going doing what the coach wants, but the coach lets the other 2 guys hijack the offense.

    if this doesn’t lead to low morale and poor starts, I don’t know what does.

  4. Always missing the good shots will make you lose hope in yourself, there isn’t much a coach can do about that.

    Same story for the last 3 years man.

  5. crackhousebob_

    No Giannis and at home. Disgusting to go down by 30 in the 2nd half. Some people bought tickets long ago and probably had a hotel and dinner before only to watch that garbage

  6. Thealk3mist

    Uh… maybe we just.. suck? Like there’s a reason why our team has been trash. We have very little talent.

  7. BRAKING NEWS! The Raptors have changed their branding

    The Toronto “evaluators”

    The new mascot: The evaluator!


    The new slogan to replace “we the north”:
    “We the evaluators, evaluate every possible decision so that we ultimately can’t make any decision due to over evaluating”

    Ladies and gentlemen! YOUR TORONTO EVALUTATORS!!!!

  8. WobbleKun

    turns out this is a ‘core’ problem and not a coach one. go figure.

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