@Denver Nuggets

Is this the worst replica jersey of all time?? 😭

Is this the worst replica jersey of all time?? 😭

by Suspicious-Joke-6116


  1. BoneyardBill

    Depends on how much you paid. If it was around $20 I’d rock the shit out of it.

  2. justaguyms

    That 50 font is off but still cool jersey

  3. kiwisawa420

    That 50 is wonky af. But still cooler than a jersey shirt from target or something

  4. I have an AG jersey collection with tons of fakes in it. I’d love something like this. The 50 makes me giggle.

  5. The_Aught

    Sure it’s a little off, but is someone really going to say something. If they do let me know and I will rip off their arms.

  6. LamboJoeRecs

    Seems like you can really Zero in on the problem

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