@Chicago Bulls

Why aren’t Bulls fans protesting Reinsdorf?

Saw this CHGO clip of Matt Peck laying into the Bulls from Billy Donovan to AKME. But his main target was rightfully Jerry Reinsdorf.

I was born in the early 90’s so I got to vaguely see the end of the Jordan era and I was hooked on the Bulls. I stuck through the Tim Floyd years and fell in love again with the Scott Skiles/Ben Gordon Bulls and then of course the Derrick Rose/Jimmy Butler years. These last few years, I stopped watching the team because I realized they were a hopeless franchise under Jerry Reinsdorf.

My question is, why are Bulls fans letting this happen to them? Why aren’t people banding together and organizing protests outside and inside the United Center. Why aren’t people starting “Sell the Team” chants at games? Why aren’t fans organizing to buy billboards across Chicago and Reinsdorf’s home in Arizona? Does anyone think this would fly in cities like Philadelphia or Boston? Why are we letting it fly in Chicago?

It feels like Bulls fans in general are just resigned to mediocrity. The Bulls are gonna end up selling their players before the deadline, something that should have been done last year, and Bulls fans will fall in love with a young player they get in a trade or draft and we’re gonna start the climb to mediocrity again. Why are we letting this happen?

by jamfan40


  1. lizard_king_rebirth

    I was at the game tonight and the stands were pretty empty. That’s about the best the fans can do as far as protests go.

  2. Seems like the only way to get to Jerry is not showing up to games. Tonight’s game was pretty empty, granted it was a Wednesday night game against Orlando but still. He is too comfortable putting out shitty teams because the United Center is always packed anyways

  3. CubsBearsIlliniBulls

    I have no idea how you Sox fans do it. I was born in 2001, and it feels like the one ECF is all I will get and I’ve just accepted it. I’m someone who thinks that you should do whatever it takes to win a championship whether it’s contending or blowing it up. I’m so sick of this half ass bullshit just because it’s just good enough to get idiots in the seats. All you people who think I’m a bad fan because I don’t want watchable basketball, I only want to contend for championships can kiss my ass. The worst part is even when Jerry dies the Sox will almost certainly get sold but they’ll keep the Bulls. We’re fucked, and will always be fucked. If I didn’t love basketball so much I would literally never give two shits about this team. There’s hardly anyone in my life that cares about this team anymore and I admire that.

  4. replicant4522

    As a year long victim of Jerry Reinsdorf I protest him every day

  5. SurelyRight

    If you want to spend your time protesting a sports team owner, I’d suggest you instead find a job

  6. Movieguy70

    In case anyone thought I was silly for suggesting that “protesting” has become the most useless and tiresome trendy act……..

  7. chicago_bunny

    Because when has protesting an owner worked? If you want to get rid of him, find proof he’s a terrible racist. If you want the organization to change course, avoid spending any money that goes to one of his teams. Those are your options.

  8. Effective protests or social movements are based on legitimate real-life issues like racism, police brutality, sexual harassment and assault, poverty, drug abuse etc.

    If you think the issue that a basketball team is owned by a random rich dude who likes to save money and isn’t ambitious but hasn’t done (at least publicly known) anything criminal or unethical is going to become an actual protest or social movement, you need a reality check real bad.

    Nobody really gives a shit in the real world, and nobody should, about a team owner being “bad” in the sense that the person’s team can’t put the ball in the hoop as much as 2/3 of the other teams.

    There might be some chants in the arena but that’s it.

  9. CutMeDeeply

    This is the way. We’ll be taking every 7 years with Jerry at the helm.

  10. volantredx

    I mean because it wouldn’t matter? Jerry isn’t going to sell just because people are mad at him. Plus he’s almost 90 and apparently mentally fading.

    His son is more interested in winning but doesn’t control the financial side of things. Once Jerry is gone it’s pretty clear Michael is going to sell the Sox so more of the focus will be on the Bulls.

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