@Minnesota Timberwolves

This is very random but Slowmo makes a high pitched WOO WOO WOO sound to signal to a teammate that he wants the ball after a defensive rebound 🤣

I’m deceased 💀 These boys are truly raised by Wolves.

It is so funny. Watch the clip [here](

Don’t know if it’s a consistent thing or just from this game but I will have to watch out for it now lol.

by Slim-Ticket


  1. Therealrickyrubio

    Bro this is an incredibly common noise to make when calling for the ball. Go to any rec league and you’ll hear this a dozen times.

  2. buchanbasanee

    KAT: “here you go!”

    Naz: “No.”

  3. timtodd34

    I’ve noticed this and thought it was funny too. Couple other players make different noises too

  4. Broseph_Bobby

    Yeah this is a very common thing you do when playing pick up basketball games.

    I also hear bird noises all the time too from an owl like HOOT and even pigeon like coos.

  5. OnlyAt9

    I was wondering who was making that noise lol

  6. i’ve noticed this and wonder if an opponent could use it against us

  7. beardybuddha

    Slomo is also usually the loudest one in the background of locker room interviews 🤣

  8. tulaero23

    Well if you play around the word slowmo you get owl hahaha

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