@Philadelphia 76ers

[Sam DiGiovanni] To those of you who want more Jaden Springer minutes: Joel Embiid agrees with you. “He’s a guy that comes in, he works hard. He should definitely get a lot of minutes…He’s tough defensively. He knows how to play, cut to the basket.”

[Sam DiGiovanni] To those of you who want more Jaden Springer minutes: Joel Embiid agrees with you. “He’s a guy that comes in, he works hard. He should definitely get a lot of minutes…He’s tough defensively. He knows how to play, cut to the basket.”

by HecLucas


  1. Translation: “Don’t ever fucking play Marcus Morris next to me again.”

  2. GirlWithGame

    Well if their goal is to make Joel happy, we should be seeing more of Springer, thank goodness too that Reed,Springer line up that got us back in the game was looking pretty solid. We need energy those two most certainly have energy, along with Maxey, it kind of threw Boston off I think.

  3. philly2540

    I want springer to play. Actually I want everyone to play. Let’s see who everybody is. Rivers never gave his bench guys a chance. Spread the minutes around. Embiid is always burned out by the time the playoffs come around, from playing 40 minutes a night all season long and carrying the whole team on his shoulders. Use the first 40 games to assess everything. Then make a trade deadline deal. And yes, Springer should be very high on the priority list.

  4. Theballharperhit

    he basically is telling nurse to shoot marcus morris to the moon and never let him see the court again LMFAO

  5. girlfriend_pregnant

    I’m gonna take the copium and just think that we are trying to showcase morris for a trade somehow??? Wait… no that makes no sense.

  6. jaysphan128

    not sure how we are going to fix the offense with the bench units outside of a trade though

  7. abevigodasmells

    Springer is not a guy ready to start, but he is a tough defender and he does present himself well for passes, like cutting. We need to cultivate that now, so later in season he’s comfortable and an asset. He still seems shaky at times, and is reluctant at times to pass once he gets the ball. I like the kid like most everyone else.

    This is similar to Glenn not wanting to play BBall early in the season so he’d be ready late in season. We’ll make playoffs and our seed will be basically the same whether you let players grow or not.

  8. Moretalent

    spring and paul reed are really refreshing for this team

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