@Phoenix Suns

The Scary Truth About The Phoenix Suns..

The Scary Truth About The Phoenix Suns..

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  1. The biggest thing I've seen is how desperate the Suns need a true point guard. Someone who can handle the ball in crucial situations. Turnovers have KILLED the Suns so far.

    I think if Booker is on the court, the Suns will be really good again but you almost have to prepare for injuries among the big three at this point.

  2. Better offense leads to better defense since it allows half court D to set up by making shots

  3. Develop better vocabulary my guy. Your use of "mid" is not only lame asf and very sheepish,but could be turned into a dang drinking game.

  4. My Wolves fan friend before the game: "Phoenix has no depth and won't go anywhere." After the game: "Phoenix is a contender for sure!"

    That being said, most of MN were tired from the Warriors game. However, McDaniels didn't play past the first couple of minutes due to being ejected and he did not look good at all.

    I know that saying "give them some more time" is not great fodder for a video, but it is still my current opinion.

    I do agree about Beal though. Gordon can fill the same role. I figured that would be the case before the season started and I feel like I've been proven correct.

  5. This is the 3rd time I’ve heard you pushed this 2-way booker narrative I’m gonna start to need evidence for these claims

  6. Counterpoint to the "Devin Booker wont affect the whole defense" statement:

    Bookers pace of play and efficiency on OFFENSE tires teams out who try to run with him while they constantly taking the ball out from under the hoop. Its the wear down effect, and its a big part of why we were a top 10 defense the last 3 years. Constantly sprinting back on D just to watch book pull up for a middie or run by you to the rim for an easy bucket while you gotta now go up against a set defense on the other end, it gets to teams. It takes the other teams legs out from under them late third/early fourth quarter. If you aint up on that knowledge yet, look for it when dbook plays. Youll see it.

  7. 10 games in my man let’s relaaaax. Beal has been healthy in none of them. Book only in two.

  8. I wasn't going to hit the panic button until 20 in. Chemistry takes time, and besides booker, we don't really have a point guard. I still think we should have kept Payne, but beyond that, we're fine.

  9. As a Suns fan who also watched all of their games this season, I am not worried. We won't win the ring this season because of our bad defense (we need better big men) but we will have a good run for sure. We also need time to build chemistry between players and coach. If you don't change our roster too much next year + we get better defense = first ring for DBook ♥

  10. Book by far best player? Stop it….what is KD? my gosh….they are equal, or he plays a little better, but by far….? stop de cap.

  11. Any team will struggle without 2 of their 3 main stars … with all 3 they're probably going to go on a 20-2 run (like Nets did) … that said Booker is an amazing PG and his presence on the court really takes the load off KD to play better offense and more defense. Am expecting suns to be Top 5 offense and Top 10 defense by end of season … mostly 3rd (behind Nuggets and Mavs/Thunder)

  12. People like you are the very reason why Booker and Beal came back when they wasnt fully ready. They wanted to please the impatient fans who keep overreacting to them not playing. In return they got injured more. Beal had to admit that he came back too damn soon. They still have 70+ games to play. Who cares about the first 10 games. Let these players fully heal. This overreacting is annoying as Hell

  13. As a diehard Suns fan I have to agree, Booker is the key. The times we struggled to win games in the 4th the rock was being handled by KD. Let's be honest, there wasn't a lot of good shooting surrounding him. With Booker and KD together on the floor against Minnesota it was a pick your poison situation. I know man I feel you it's frustrating to see us struggle but we all saw what a difference having DBook looks like.

  14. Let's all just take a moment and relax. We're 11 games in with a team that only has a total of 11 games playing together. The injuries suck, and there's really no way to gage how healthy we'll be for the rest of the season. That sucks, but it's something that every team deals with. This is a chemistry issue. We need at least 25 to 30 games to get an idea how this team will gel. Enough doom and gloom already. Let's revisit this when we actually have a sample size worth judging.

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