@Toronto Raptors

Zach Lavine isn’t the answer for Toronto. So what is?

Let’s talk Raptors trades. It’s obvious as structured the roster doesn’t work. But is Zach Lavine for Pascal Siakam moving the needle? Does it make sense? Or does someone else make MORE sense? Let’s talk about it.

#Raptors #Bulls #Kings


  1. On the FFV Zach Lavine swap….fit is everything. Zach's skill set fits with our roster. The impact metrics make sense but fit….Zach fits. I believe we can cover the defensive liability of this trade. Yes Zach's athleticism will fade soon but he can shoot and still space. That's all fine. This is the Scottie and OG show anyway. Just my 2 cents.

  2. I think Scottie has a chance at all nba. Especially with at least 63(I think) games needing to be played to make all nba. Might be less names to pick from.

  3. said it on stream many times, if raps three max guy are Scottie, OG, Pascal / Lavine…. that's not a championship trio…

  4. Theoretically lavine would fit quite nicely, specifically on the offensive end. I would prefer to cash out some young players and picks for siakam however that fit Scottie’s timeline. Lavine is a short term option, we need some guys that can be a part of the system long term

  5. I love the combo of you guys man.. the guy with camera and apparently a Sacramento fan guy lol as I'm typing this, you said his name… Vince. Lol yeah that guy. Love the insights from him too

  6. I don't know if Lavine is the answer, maybe not. But whatII do know is the Raptors need a legit scorer, handles/ 3-point shot/ mid-range/ finish at the rim. While ideally he'd be a decent defender, even if he's below average [slightly], when you want to win in the playoffs & be a legit contender, you need that player that can get a shot.

  7. To some degree, we need to not worry about $ so much. With a bare cupboard of draft picks, cash will be required to be spent to fit SB timeline. Going into the 25 season, the Raptors will need to put a competitive team on the floor. This tells us all severe changes are coming.

  8. If its me I'm calling up the Spurs (who we have a decent rapour with tradeilwise) and see what they want for Keldon Johnson. He's 24 on a decent contract has proven on offense. A good defender not amamzing. Can space the floor go to the rim. If im Toronoto I'm offering Pascal, someone like otto or Thad perhaps taking a garbage contract off their hands and then adding in a 1st rd pick. See what they say.

  9. With All NBA Scottie will get min. 260m/5yr….Technically Tyrese just got 207/5yr this summer, but if Tyrese gets All NBA this season it'll be upgraded to 260m/5yr….Scottie getting paid.

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