@Toronto Raptors

(@Raptors) In Season Tournament Court is ready!

(@Raptors) In Season Tournament Court is ready!

by absolutkaos


  1. Our court is actually nice AF compared to some of them other courts lol

  2. raps14ever

    I initially thought it sucked cause I’m tired of the black and gold but after watching some of the other games and how distracting the courts are. I’m starting to love how pleasing to the eye ours is so far. Will have to see how it looks watching it on tv

  3. Niiice. Those gold jerseys are gonna pop hard against the black court

  4. cryptocaucus

    just glad it isn’t entirely bright red or something

  5. bukbukbuklao

    Any reason why we are getting our first play in tournament game today? I swear everyone’s already had 3-4 games already

  6. FallenLemur

    Let’s go, the video of putting the court together low-key got me hyped.

  7. Senior_Chest2325

    Definitely one of, if not the nicest, courts

  8. Maple_Jerk

    looks nice but in-season tournament is stupid as fuck

  9. pascalshaka

    Court looks dope. But man, our logo needs an update. It’s so boring. Or just bring back the OG raptor logo and call it a day

  10. YouDontJump

    Definitely better than a lot of the others out there. Kinda sweet tbh.

  11. zacksharpe

    At least we’re the best in the league at one thing

  12. Rare-Profile6867

    It’s so nice but our play style is bad. If only Scottie had a good running mate so we can market this team. Everything is on point except the way we are playing lmfao

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