@Los Angeles Lakers

The Los Angeles Lakers Worst Nightmare Has Come True

The Los Angeles Lakers Worst Nightmare Has Come True

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  1. Been a fan of derozan since 2k13 and 14, dude was actually keeping up with LeBron if you knew how to use the raptors team right.

  2. Hands in the pocket Ham needs to start Hayes at the 5 let AD play the 4 his natural position you can rotate him back when Wood comes in but so at least Joker and Sabonis wont just punk him the whole game and just maybe he can join Lebron in playing and showing up the second half keep starting Reddish,, isolate Reeves in the gym with a prescription of jumpers and a dose of stop hot dogging pills because he caught the new contract flu..Assign Russell homework on how to play consistent..and poor mans jae crowder aka taurean prince needs to be somewhat of a better 3 and D guy he seems to forget both the 3 and D in his car before the games the team is fine defensive wise they just cant shoot for shit..and 2 out of 3 "All Stars" cant seem to put together consistent games..

  3. As a Lakers fan since the Showtime era i respectfully decline Lavine and get Carusso back..maybe Derozen if the price is right.

  4. Lakeshow, donā€™t do this. You just figured out at the deadline last year how to build a team that contend with the second tier of the West. Donā€™t throw it away for a certified hooper.

  5. Pelinka I stg nigga if u trade lavine for Ar Hachimura Dlo 1st round picks etc, Iā€™m coming after you

  6. The Lakers aren't dealing Reaves for Lavine… Which leaves only Russell and Rui as the centerpieces of a trade… The Lakers only have one 1st round pick available to trade, but that pick isn't until 2029-30. DLo for Lavine is not going to excite Bulls fans, I don't think the Lakers have the right assets to make a trade of this magnitude.

  7. Anyone who decides to take this dude needs to reevaluate their thoughts and understand this team will not flourish because you trade for Lavine, say you do trade for him, and let go of Russell, reaves and or cam and some picks, thats a lot of depth gone right there, who runs point? If we keep reaves weā€™ve seen hes a turnover machine unlike russ. Russell does everything lavine does but can pass, can play alright defense not great, and isnt injury prone, cheap and can set players up. Heā€™s not flashy the media/narrative just doesnā€™t talk enough about him cause he doesnā€™t dunk or have those crazy 50 point games, but thats now what we need from russ, and if the scape goat is russ, then you guys are skipping over AD who is getting paid 180 million to be a roller coaster score 9 points thats not what AD is signed for, he got signed to drop 20+ point and be a defensive monster that we know he can be, not one or the other

    say Lebron runs point okay cool problem solved for 1 year, after he retires, whos your PG then? You have an injury prone Davis and Lavine. Its like every Laker fan makes a now dumb decision vs a thought out contest and win more than 1 in the future. Who do you go for a point to be paired with these two? Thats if we donā€™t decide to trade davis as well after bron is gone especially if we dont win one, or he just gets too injured, then weā€™re stuck with a terrible contract in Lavine and an injury prone dude with that ACL in his knee. Lavine is awesome on paper and for tickets sales, but not a player you build around and his contract is just terrible especially with his ACL injury

    Lots of comment here just talk but donā€™t actually put any effort into thinking about any of this and then in the future theyā€™ll end up saying ā€œuhh lavine is garbage we shouldā€™ve keptā€ yada yada yada

  8. Id give up DLo, Rui, Max Christie, Maxwell Lewis, and 2 1st Rd picks for Lavine, Craig and Caruso. I dont want Derozan though.

  9. We donā€™t need Zach! The price is to high! Especially not for AR! Let the team mess and find themselves!

  10. Lakers get: Alex, Andre
    Bulls get: Rui, filler, draft pick
    Just an idea, I think we get better on both ends of the court with this trade. Makes the Laker's depth better overall. Andre be good for ad get more rest each game.

  11. You should make a video on how overrated LeFlop is and how they should trade him instead. Why in hell do you think old man LeFlop is a player to build around. Dude is a shell of his prime flopping days. As a Celtics fan though, I love seeing GM LeFlop ruin the Lakers, so keep the bad trades coming, lol.

  12. Bulls need to fire billy before any trades all bull players seem to thrive after leaving its our coaching and front office thats a problem….like why is vooch and pwill and derozan shooting and missing open 3s

  13. Iv been watching the nba since about 2017. And I gotta say. Demar. Lavine. And Beal are the 3 most over rated players in the nba. Nothing more than fantasy assets. Could even throw harden in there.

  14. Disagree with the commentatorā€™s assertion that DeRozan will ā€œdo whatever it takes to fit inā€ with LeBron and LA. Heā€™s talented, but stubborn.

    In San Antonio, they couldnā€™t get him to shoot even an occasional three-pointer or play defense, two things the Spurs desperately needed from him at the time.

  15. I donā€™t get players who claim ā€œthey havenā€™t had a opportunityā€ā€¦or ā€having had the right tea to competeā€ā€¦bitch have you ever heard of free agency!!!!! stars sign between 4 & 5 contracts in their career. Thatā€™s enough opportunity to hand pick where you gošŸ˜‚

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