@Los Angeles Lakers

I can already see how the haters will discredit this trophy if ever we win it 🤣

I can already see how the haters will discredit this trophy if ever we win it 🤣

by undoxxchicken


  1. Would be nice boost of money for our min guys and rookies.

  2. iceinhisveins99

    Hang the banner I say who gives a shit what they think 😂

  3. SolubleAcrobat

    Eye on the prize. A mid-season trophy is not a championship.

  4. Oscar_322418

    I’m still having a hard time caring for it. A boost of money for guys that are already millionaires is something that is hard to root for. I mean it’s cool that the NBA is trying new things but I just don’t think this idea is it. If this tournament resulted in an actual prize that benefited the team (extra cap space, picks, etc. ) it would definitely raise the stakes for both players and fans. Like if I knew that the Lakers winning this tournament resulted in them getting say a $15-$20 million boost in cap space next summer I would be much more invested than I currently am.

    But as things stand I don’t really care for the tournament, i’m just treating each one of these games as if it were any other regular season game. As a matter of fact, I hope we don’t reach the final game (which does not count towards the regular season) I would rather not take the risk of one of our guys getting hurt in what essentially is a meaningless game in the grand scheme of things. If we do make it to the final game I would want the entire G-league roster out there playing every single minute.

    I hope they can add some real incentives in the future that fans can get behind.

  5. gratitudeisbs

    Lol I’m happy we’re #1 but let’s not pretend we didn’t get lucky with the easiest group in the league, even caught suns without booker. Id lebron didn’t go super saiyan I doubt we would have won vs blazers and they’re one of the worst teams.

    Darvin Hamas, Reaves, Dlo, AD all need to be better

  6. Delicious-Froyo-6920

    I can see Lou Will crying like a baby on Trae Young’s podcast.

  7. flowermoon24

    Clippers winning last night annoys tf outta me. Fck u harden

  8. Stebsy1234

    I’ve actually seen people say the opposite and that they won’t a franchise like the Lakers or Celtics to win it so it will seem more legitimate in the future.

  9. Nervous-Guava-7390

    2023 LeMickey In-Season Tournamenr Champion Los Angeles Lakers

  10. ngmathew1234

    If the lakers win it this year, next year the mvp of the tournament is going to get the Lebron James in season tournament mvp trophy.

  11. crunchyfrogs

    This sub laughs at clippers for celebrating regular season wins and then turns around and gets excited about a gimmick tournament because we’re leading.

  12. radracer82

    I don’t put much weight on it but it’s nifty.

    Will it mean we’re 17.5x champions .5 more over the celtics?!

    no lol

  13. nickjames1984

    Let them discredit it…haters are always mad with the extra media coverage the Lakers get so if they win it and we can say we won the inaugural it’s just one more reason the lakers would be in the history books and 1 more reason to annoy the hell out of the haters..

  14. nickjames1984

    How funny would it be if it was the Clippers first banner…😂

  15. someonepoorsays

    i don’t understand the tournament still. are there non-tournament games in between the tournament ones??

  16. JakeInBake

    NBA had to create a tournament for all the baby snowflake fans who grew up thinking receiving a participation trophy/ribbon was something to be proud of.

    There is only ONE trophy that true Lakers fans care about. And total satisfaction doesn’t come from looking for the easiest route to getting that trophy. It comes from whatever it takes to beating that Celtics ass in the finals. FUCK BOSTON!!

  17. TrafficOn405

    The Lakers always get favorable treatment from the League. It’s written into the League bylaws.

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