@Miami Heat

[Post Game] Bulls snap Heat’s seven game winning streak

by tomgreen99200


  1. Number333

    Bad loss. Letting every 4th Q get close ain’t cute when you finally lose. Extra shitty given we of course led the game freaking 22-1 and our final 3 shots were all Jimmy 3’s. One? Aight. But these last 2 shots were him just tryna make the crowd go nuts against his old team.

    See y’all Monday I guess.

  2. Own-Marsupial-4448

    That was fucking pathetic!!! You better destroy them next game!!

  3. surgeyou123

    Unnecessary loss. That early lead was the worst thing that could have happened to us. Lineups were ass too

  4. blanktorpedo27

    Being a heat fan is such a turbulent experience

  5. MiaCannons

    Just couldn’t get any stops when it came down to clutch time. Frustrating. Should’ve won that one

  6. Proof-Research-6466

    Bulls always ending our win streaks 😔

  7. derrickdejuan

    Wouldn’t have to call up a bullshit, last second out of bounds play if we stopped letting teams come back from 20. I love Spo but this shit is bad coaching. Our team has a complete meltdown every single game.

    At least now some of y’all can stop acting like we don’t need Herro.

  8. SpartanDawg18

    The start was so unlike Heat basketball, glad things returned to normal

  9. readndrun

    Shitty loss but we’re 7-1 in the last 8 games so it’s whatever

  10. Dame2Miami

    Should’ve been Duncan’s shot. Jimmy reverted back to the no-arc three ball under pressure smh… some terrible shots at the end lol.

  11. JustiseRainsFrmAbove

    Why didnt Bam shoot once in the 4th? Did they double him?

  12. poopoopeepee666666

    Why and how the FUCK did we lose that?? FUCK

  13. cant win them all. they played real tight on Dunc. Games like this make us miss Herro.

  14. Own-Marsupial-4448

    Stop leaving the three open!!! Fuck the inside of the paint!!! You let it be a three point contest and you’re going to lose!!

  15. those fking bs illegal screen calls killed our momentum

  16. Losing is one thing, but losing like this to the team ready to blow it up is just so infuriating. This game shows why we need Herro.

  17. Aggravating_Plant_39

    I’m putting this one on Spo why in the hell did we got away from Bam we did the Bulls a massive favor when we opted to just start chucking 3s with players who bricked shots the entire first half.

  18. Bench was buns tonight. 21 point lead in the first quarter only guaranteed they’d come back. Jimmy hit some great shots in the end but the last one didn’t fall. Onto the next.

  19. Mellothewise

    I know Jimmy played great

    Just sucks asking him to make a bit more 3s like a normal player counts as hero ball. Oh well. Guess we’ll have to wait until he does that shit come the playoffs per usual

    Time to start a new winning streak!

  20. BluexFlash

    Jimmy no longer shooting 50% from 3.

    When our offense goes cold, it is frozen solid. These are the games where we miss Tyler. The streak was nice while it lasted

  21. Problem isn’t losing, it’s losing when you were up 20+ points to begin with.

    Also, Bam’s usage in the 4th quarter. Almost non-existent, he has to become more involved especially in this game when our bench didn’t show up

  22. Dolphhins

    Disgusting game from everyone not named Bam Jimmy or Duncan. But it’s whatever we were due a dud and we play them again soon. We’ll get them back in blood

  23. MargielaMan568

    Spo disasterclass tonight. Didn’t take out Duncan after he was scored on for each Bulls bucket in the 4th, except that shot by DeRozan on JJJ. Completely iced out Bam, and not to mention the very predictable ATO play where it almost always is a quick contested 3 in the corner. Annoying loss.

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