@National Basketball Association

LeBron Passin the Blunt

LeBron Passin the Blunt

by ColonelSandurz42


  1. BigBallerBryant

    The air up there is a tad bit different 😮‍💨💨🍃

  2. MagicBeanGuy

    I think he did this because he “smoked” the layup lmao

  3. randy88moss

    lol 5 seconds earlier he was pseudo shooting his left hand for missing a layup

  4. Elite_Alice

    Bronny mad as hell cause he got his ass beat for smoking lmao

  5. SolarClipz

    I’m glad we now live in a society where we can pass invisible blunts to each other on live TV

  6. Wallstreettrappin

    At least he put it out. I usually just toss it

  7. might be the most controversial thing he’s ever done lmao

  8. Handsome_Hippy

    Lol thought this was clickbait. He hit dat shi😤💨🍃

  9. randomreddit_userLOL

    Jr Smith calling the Lakers front office as we speak

  10. ExMachina_Disco_Club

    Pretty sure that’s his handshake with Christian Wood i.e., backwoods

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