@Toronto Raptors

Raptors break FRANCHISE RECORD for assists in blowout win

The Toronto Raptors played a very complete game against the Detroit Pistons. This featured several key performances, some very interesting new trends, and a wire-to-wire blowout for a team that hasn’t had a lot to smile about over the past week.

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  1. Ive never understood the love for Schroder. When he was breaking out in Atlanta, and people were saying he was so good and ready to usurp Teague, I just never ever saw it, particularly when he played against the Raptors, he was a ball hog, chucker, couldn't finish, and any passing he did was basic drive and kicks. He was not a better PG then Teague who was above average but could run an offense, even after these years, Schroder still cant run an offense. I don't get the signing of him, we wanted to get away from what Fred was doing and we brought in a guy that does the same thing. His place is a 6th man. We need to take him out of the starting line up and let Scottie learn how to run an offense.

  2. Thanks for the great show today Robert!

    LOVED what you had to say about 'low quality behaviour!'

    Sleep tight!

  3. Enjoyed listening to your conversation with Toni! It was great to hear his thoughts about this team, and Darko!  
    Congrats to Larry !!!

  4. it IS exciting for pascal to do rudimentary stuff that he wasnt doing before. and it wasnt just today. lets not take for granted that he's much more talented than many other 4's in the league, and adding some of this pedestrian stuff can have a profound effect for both him and the team. better late than never right

  5. 31:51 – this is whay i was asking about the other day.
    If you swapped Pascal and Scottie in those lineups, where only 1 of them is on the floor, how would it look. should we consider testing it.

  6. Dennis should only do catch and shoot 3s. Any hesitations or pump fake should be a drive or pass. Only exception is if the shot clock is down.

  7. Scottie was Robin (or lesser) to Cade's Batman in High school.

    How would it be if Cade was Robin to Scottie's Batman in the future.

  8. Robert, shows like this one are why I began following your content – wonderful job. Also, the last segment where you had Toni on was fantastic – I felt like I learned so much listening to the two of you. This is what we need more of! As an aside, loved your "sympathy" Slav accent while speaking to your last guest… 😉

  9. poetl is back to his usual..find him a non factor from the previous games but last night he dominate it…i hope the the consistency will be there not only for him but for our raps

  10. maybe they should try young instead of mcdaniels … he is too fast but can’ t finish..always short even with an easy one..dick should play in 905 to gain more experience

  11. I just hope you guys will more appreciate Darko's accent when you hear how poeple from his region usually sound in English 🙂

  12. OG is the Anchor/ glue, he's a plus with everyone he plays with. Scottie/ OG have the most synergy of any 2man combo.
    Siakam needs not post up, 18ft mid post, wing, wi5h Shooters on the helpside, 2.9 in the paint gives more time for decisions, more room for backside cutters. Hard to double, Pascal needs to shoot 6 3's , catch and shoot off kick outs mostly. I would be playing Trent not Schroder with the starters. Trent and Precious with Siakam/OG/ Barnes a little more.

  13. Fun game to watch – great ball movement. The most positive thing for me is that they came out prepared against a poor team. The offense worked well last night and we shot relatively well – the Piston's defense was pretty pathetic. We've tried to play this offense against better defenses and shoot at our typically below rate it hasn't worked – 29th of 30 teams in the half court. I like the idea of getting away from iso while keeping in mind our best players need to capitalize when they have a clear advantage – like Siakam going to the net against the Mavs when they had no rim protection. On a night like tonight there is no reason to go to a Pascal iso when we are having no problems scoring in the offense. One area where I disagree with the general perception is the idea that guys that can't shoot 3s need to shoot 3s. Pascal was very committed to .5 for about the first 8 games – giving up the ball when he should have taken it and clanking wide open perimieter shots. Taking shots to keep people honest and sticking to the offense needs to happen but it all needs to be taken with a grain of salt – especially when it is not working. Players need to work toward their strengths. Until we are in a rebuild we have to take what is given. We will continue to adjust and improve in the offense but we are literally the second worst in the league – we don't need to do what Nurse, there needs to be balance but at the same time fully comitting to a Warriors style offense when we sure aren't the Warriors is not realistic. Dennis is not a spot up shooter – hasn't been for a decade and isn't now – I think Dennis is very much settling into exactly what he always has been. You want Dennis and Siakam spotting up? This is not working to their stengths what so ever – these guys are not new – they aren't going to role out of bed and become average shooters. We are not in a rebuild – we are supposed to be gunning for the playoffs – our only chance is maximizing what we have – not expecting players to be something they aren't.

  14. You want Dennis and Pascal spotting up? These guys are vets who have never been able to shoot. You say they need to do that to make the offense work – guess it depends on what you consider "working". I don't disagree that you need people to shoot if you want to play fast, move the ball and create a lot of space – the problem is we don't have the players for that – 4 of our 5 starters are below average shooters. I'm not saying I want a boring Nurse style iso offense – I can't stomach watching another season of watching that but 13 games with an emphasis on passing has lead us to the second worst half court offense in the league. It may not be modern but Pascal and Scottie working inside is a lot more effective than them relying on outside shooting. Scottie's shot has really improved and he is shooting well – I think he will continue to improve however I would be surprised if he finishes the season at the league average. A lot of this is theoretical. Great to have goals for a style of play and an emphasis on sharing the ball while at the same time being realistic about what we have. This team is capable of playing great and also capable of playing really bad – a hallmark of a mediocre team – this is a .500ish basketball team – we keep running it back with essentially the same team expecting a different outcome. For 3 years we have failed to seriously address this roster's problems. This team is missing two of the most imprtant things in the modern NBA playoffs – shooting and the ability for players to create their own shot in the half court. We can do everything else great but without those two things it isn't happening. All that said – Raps put on a clinic last night and look forward to them finding a way to do it again against better teams. We shall see.

  15. I like the part where you said that Pascal was part of our last championship, and he can be the part of our next championship… and you offer him the opportunity to “ graciously pass the torch” as Kyle Lowry did.

  16. just to refute something, the "lunchpale" type player has always been the type toronto gravitates to. this has been true for many decades with the leafs, this is not a raptors thing its a toronto in general thing and has been for longer than most of us have been alive.

  17. I liked what I heard of this. With all the Pascal fans getting so excited, I found myself wondering who the other Raptors would rather play with. My guess is Scottie by a mile (I should say kilometer)

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