@National Basketball Association

[Highlight] Zach LaVine with a Thanos-esque shove on Jimmy Butler

[Highlight] Zach LaVine with a Thanos-esque shove on Jimmy Butler

by OhiOstas


  1. MrAppleSpoink

    Jimmy is a big time flopper but y’all ain’t ready for that convo yet.

  2. The_Sign_of_Zeta

    It’s gross how they basically have ignored the new flopping rules a month into the season. I mean we knew it was garbage, but I thought it might last until Christmas.

  3. NegativesPositives

    If a ref believes that they should be fired on the spot.

  4. Did Zach activate fus ro dah on Jimmy tf was that lmao

  5. Potencyyyyy

    Suspend his ass for this Jesus Christ there are kids watching

  6. verycoolguySmash

    That’s some Miles Bridges level type of violence right there.

  7. siberianwolf99

    jimmy is honestly worse at this then harden. harden still has the ability to finish a drive if he doesn’t get the call. jimmy will literally make a move with his only plan being to get the foul call. it’s awful to watch.

  8. MrEwThatsGross

    The NBA is in a sad state of flopping and officiating.

  9. triclops41

    This is why Jimmy and Embiid have that bromance- a shared love and appreciation for the fine art of flopping.

  10. Exaggeration by Jimmy but Lavines minor shove came when Jimmy had one foot on the ground.

  11. Steelers7589

    It’s such a simple concept to fix the flopping issue this league has it’s fuckin infuriating.

  12. cozyboy001

    It was hilarious to see Jimmy and DeMar laughing about this shit right after lol

  13. cozyboy001

    It was hilarious to see Jimmy and DeMar laughing about this shit right after lol

  14. samurairocketshark

    They have been fucking awful this season, might be the worst reffed season in NBA history

  15. azzadruiz

    Theatrics from Jimmy for sure but doubt it would be overturned

  16. Then later he was showing DeMar how he did the flop 😂

  17. Call the cops. That’s assault. Thoughts and prayers to Jimmy.

  18. realfakejames

    That’s a foul, though?

    You aren’t allowed to put your hands on a player and change their momentum or position with a hand check, that’s been a foul even when Kobe was still playing, Jimmy sells it but it’s still a foul

    I swear half of y’all don’t know hoops outside of 2k

  19. EctoRiddler

    That was disgusting. Levine needs to be suspended for that brutality.

  20. SandyMandy17

    Why can’t we just enforce the literally FLOP rule we have

  21. Jimmy-DeLaney

    Does jimmy exaggerate the contact here? Absolutely.

    Does Zach fully extend his arm into Jimmy side? Absolutely.

    Its probably, well “maybe” a foul; but Jimmy sells it to become “certainly” a foul from the officials perspective.

  22. Jimmy Buckets is one of the most protected players in the league. Routinely gets the call on the softest plays

  23. People act like Jimmy isn’t an insufferable foul merchant akin to prime Harden

  24. LavenderAutist

    Jimmy asserting dominance over Levine so Pat doesn’t trade for him

  25. getbackup21

    Zach did push butler but butler absolutely flopped on that.

  26. rhetheo100

    Need to start having an annual award for most creative flop. That one would qualify as a ballerina twirl type

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