@Boston Celtics

[Brian Barrett] “Jaylen is shooting a career worst 44.8% from the field … that ranks 94th of 140 qualifiers — 52.2% on 2s (83rd) — 51.7% EFG (99th) — He’s just 38/68 (55.9%) at the rim – 28th percentile!!!!! (Via cleaning the glass)”

Pretty damning numbers for a title contending #2 who is supposed to be a beast at the rim…

He goes on to compare the on/offs for JT & JB so far after 14 games:

* With Jaylen on the court

>440 minutes

>117.9 offensive rating
>110.5 defensive rating
>+7.4 net

>**Total +66**

* With Jaylen off the court

>242 minutes

>120.6 offensive rating
>104.2 defensive rating
>+16.4 net

>**Total +83**

* With Tatum on the court

>517 minutes

>122 offensive rating
>106.9 defensive rating
>15.1 net rating

>**+170 total**

* With Tatum off the court

>165 minutes

>108.7 offensive rating
>112.7 defensive rating
>-4 net

>**-21 total**

Thread link:

by manbare


  1. BostonKarlMarx

    yeah the rim numbers are the most concerning. that’s usually where he’s good

  2. FlyingMocko

    He’s been dogshit. We don’t need stats to se show dogshit he has been.

    Looks like a headless chicken trying too hard out there and the worst part is he’s regressed massively on defence as well. JB from bubble as a defender seems so long ago now. It just seems like everyone is trying to play with the offensive gameplan and then Jaylen himself decides it’s iso time. I’m sure he’ll figure it out but god is he hard to watch rn.

  3. nicklovin508

    If JB has one fan, that fan is me.

    He’s gonna figure it out.

  4. UrScaringHimBroadway

    I think he’s simply starting slowly and is figuring out his role on the team. I trust him to figure it out, considering he’s by all accounts a hard worker who has improved every season.

  5. Derp_State_Agent

    Low effort, bad and concerningly slow decision making, selfish playstyle, less than G league defense, YMCA level handles, now not hitting shots…$300 million dollar guy right there no doubt.

    He desperately needs a bounce back game where they put the HE HEARD YOU on the post game chyron and then not regress back to whatever the fuck this has been lately.

    I think a lot of teams would want him but not his contact.

  6. i think it will take time to figure out the chemistry and mix with jrue and kp added.

  7. JB needs to take a step back and realise he’s no longer number two in this stacked team

    Yesterday he should’ve been the fifth option, fourth at best

    I hope he can find his role in this team

  8. ImDKingSama

    He’s had games where he’s impacted without shooting well, making solid passes, playing solid defense. But it seems that when he’s not getting his, eventually he’ll just regress on both ends, force shots and fall asleep on defense.

    I don’t even think he has horrible BBIQ, he’s actually shown he can make good reads if he plays in control and makes quick decisions. But he refuses to do so and always takes the much tougher ISO shots as opposed to easier ones he would get if he moved the ball quicker and played within the flow of the offense.

    He has to realize he doesn’t need to be a tough shot maker on this team, Porzingis is absolutely feasting on hunting mismatches and averaging 20 on career high efficiency. Jaylen could easily do the same if he committed to the same mindset.

    He needs to figure this shit out, because he’ll be the first one out the door if this team doesn’t succeed.

  9. a1mrbhelpuri

    Ugh he’s gonna be so overpaid next year and that shitty part is he’s gonna quickly fall out of favor with the fans because of it. His play isn’t going to equal his contract.

  10. justiceway1

    How do you get worse after getting Jrue and Porzingis as teammates? JB needs to figure it out or he might end up becoming the 3rd option on offense.

  11. Jonny_Syphilis

    he could start by just moving the ball. everytime he touches it, the ball stops. worried too much about scoring.

  12. archerarcher0

    Lmao 45% isn’t even bad it’s just low for jaylen

  13. Yroftheprtycrshr420

    100% love and trust him. Most important stat.

  14. coacoanutbenjamn

    He’s just off to a slow start to the season, Tatum used to do this every year. He will pick it up, particularly with his finishing around the basket. It’s not like he got worse over the summer

  15. Been saying this since the summer: Jaylen is a fine player. He’s a top 30 guy when he’s playing within himself and the shots are falling. But he’s just not a supermax guy, and you have to wonder if his performance so far is a product of trying too hard to live up to the money.

  16. Orikshekor

    He never shoots his baseline middy anymore kinda miss it tbh

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