@New York Knicks

Here is a Julius Randle sequence that drives Knicks fans absolutely nuts. Awful defense at the point of attack and then just stands and watches as Gobert dives for the offensive rebound. You can’t control cold stretches, you can control the consistency of your effort.

Here is a Julius Randle sequence that drives Knicks fans absolutely nuts. Awful defense at the point of attack and then just stands and watches as Gobert dives for the offensive rebound. You can’t control cold stretches, you can control the consistency of your effort.

by deadassynwa


  1. GoldenBoyRecords

    I really like Randle but I dont think a team will go very far when one of your best players shows effort like this. I truly wonder what goes through Thibs mind when he sees this on tape and does he even call Randle out on this? If this was Obi he would of been yanked to the bench.

  2. I’ll do it for you. 21/14 best player on the team with no context!

  3. Knicksfanhart

    He’ll never be a winning guy because of this shit. Dude has done a better job learning to read defenses when getting doubled, but giving consistent effort is not something you can learn. It is who he is, which is why a lot of us can’t stand watching him.

  4. idontwantnoyes

    Its a mental thing he has to keep himself engaged. Could even be adhd but… he needs to understand what the bare minimum is on the floor.

    For most players thats jogging back instead of sprinting. Or leaking out instead of boxing out. But hes just not engaged he wants the rebound to just get figured out and he wants the play to just come to him.

  5. dreeaaming

    Bunch of BODY LANGUAGE experts in here 🤣🤣

    When will you body language experts get REAL PROOF like when he plays well??? Oh yeah that’s right, body language experts are so GREAT at watching basketball. Just say that you HATE Randle.

    My king deserves better fans than these BODY LANGUAGE experts

  6. Swift_42690

    THIS, this is the primary reason I hate Julius Randle on this team. It’s not his lack of skills, not his lack of efficiency. It’s the effort. When things aren’t going his way he just brings the whole team down with his disgusting effort and toxic body language. I don’t care if he has a stretch of good games, he needs to go and I will always stand by that stance.

  7. SimpatheticNS

    in 3-5 years when randle is either gone or not having this type of role on the team no one will argue about his ineffectiveness.

    just like when melo was finally gone

    people know the truth but we spend a lot of time hand wringing and hoping.

  8. _sexhaver

    Guy has all the skill and talent in the world but will always lack winning intangibles.

  9. Fishmike52

    Its a bad play from Randle. There’s no excuse. It’s gonna be a bad look in the film room. It’s also something you can find from most every NBA starter in this league.


    Literally google player xxx and bad defense and you see there’s a trove of this stuff.


    I really don’t get the Randle hate. He’s far from perfect. He’s got warts. He’s got plenty to prove (playoffs). He’s also done nothing but get better since signing here and has been huge in helping this Knick turnaround under Thibs. 2x all star last 3 years on a team friendly contract. Rarely misses games. Remember the “bad teammate” narrative that fell dead cause it was simply never true? He’s just a good player, and really doesnt say or do much that’s controversial, yet is constantly slandered for every missed shot, bad play and slump

  10. HokageEzio

    Quick, somebody post a picture of Randle with his wife and kids to change the subject.

  11. CTDubs0001

    Yup. Knicks lost yesterday. Time for the obligatory ‘this is why Randle sucks’ post.

  12. deadassynwa

    At this point no one should be surprised

    This is who Julius Randle is.

    He loves stat padding and bullying trash teams in the regular season. And his dickriders go on this sub and proclaim how great he is and posts dumbass apology forms.

    But as soon as there is a hint of adversity in his way and things don’t go his way – he gives up.

    We’ve seen it time and time again esp when it matters the most in the playoffs

    One of the most, if not the most mentally fragile players in the league.

    Cue the hes still playing on a bum ankle excuse as to why he didn’t play defense in this clip 😂

  13. Big_Katsura

    The Randle haters here are pathetic. Ok, so he didn’t give 100% on a random play in the third quarter of an early season road game. That’s worthy of a post?

    All of us defending Randle realize this isn’t ideal, but Jesus Christ it’s one play in a game where the whole team was off. He had a bad game against a good team. It happens.

  14. OldJewNewAccount

    This sub’s relationship with Randle is really annoying. Half of it wants him gone yesterday and the other half wants to hang his number in the rafters. Zero middle ground lol.

  15. OrganizationMaster95

    Everytime the knicks lose.. ppl find a clip of him getting beat.. claiming a lack of effort.. a bet you’ll be able to find clips of most of the knicks doing the same thing.. seems to me that he’s the favorite scape-goat… low hanging fruit IMO..

  16. Technician-Temporary

    People in here ignore this but will post a positive +/- and say you’re a hater. Just warning you.

  17. hugekitten

    Randle haters foaming at the mouth waiting 6 games for this post 😂 y’all are cute as hell

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