@Miami Heat

What’s the biggest misconception you see/hear from other heat/nba fans about the heat or any of its players that just has you like this, every time ?

What’s the biggest misconception you see/hear from other heat/nba fans about the heat or any of its players that just has you like this, every time ?

by SneakyWhesker


  1. Skinnecott

    in the offseason, heat fans were making fun of paul pierce for saying we lost anthony with comments like “who’s anthony?” “what is paul pierce talking about lolol”

    interesting way to find out most fans didnt know who anthony carter was. i def eyerolled quite a bit, even tho i hate paul pierce and think he’s stupid. it’s like heat fans were even stupider.

    although doesn’t seem like anthony’s loss has reallly affected much

  2. Aggravating-Lack608

    Anything related to our front office. Sure they aren’t perfect. Would be nice to not have blood feuds with other teams/executives/agents that stop deals. Also would be nice to have one of the owners with endless pockets.

    However, they clearly are excellent at talent/asset valuation and have a track record of success in building teams over a ~30 year time period. There are organizations who have struggled to put together a single winning team build over that time period, let alone three completely different ones.

    In the grand scheme of things, we have one of the best organizations in all of sports who have saved us from being the saddest sports city in the country over the past 20 years. They deserve more appreciation than they get.

  3. achickenquesadilla

    This sub calling Thomas Bryant a good acquisition all offseason even though Deandre Jordan got minutes over him last year

  4. BeefExtender

    Anything about Jimmy not being able to play with another star because he’d “want to be an alpha and always have the ball” and all other bullshit takes like that. Jimmy is one of the most unselfish players in the league and literally only cares about the W.

  5. Thinking we exclusively need a third whale rather than just some nice, more reliable fish around the two whales we already have.

  6. Nuclearsunburn

    I still see some “The Heat lost two major contributors and only signed Richardson and Bryant” takes in the main nba sub from time to time

    “Herro sucks at defense” is another untrained eye reguritake I see often

  7. Mrdynamo18

    That’s it’s a no fun military type situation. When that’s the furthest thing from the truth. Miami teams have fun I tell ppl watch the heatles video bomb era and talent shows

  8. readndrun

    Can’t boil it down to just one but the most recent one I’m discovering is when Undrafted players become relevant (Strus) and new fans explain how much they love how he came out of “nowhere”. I’ve been watching these dudes play for years, never been surprised when they show off for the crowd.

  9. just4kix_305

    Casuals who think Bam is just another Nic Claxton

  10. SneakyWhesker

    Also Its often mentioned how our home crowd is a no show even tho they’re sellouts, Miami is such a vibe that fans participate and watch from the lounges, bars, and restaurants etc.

    they’re not confined to enjoying the event from a cramped seat when the whole city is a party during heat basketball

  11. TorontoRaptors34

    If players wanna win go to the Heat. But most players don’t wanna really be disciplined. They all liars.

  12. Artistic_Industry_96

    Honestly it’s that they always say we are a fluke team every year. We have a top 3 coach and a team that is absolutely bought in to what we’re trying to do. 3 ECF appearances and 2 finals in 4 years and they still cal us a 1st round exit team.

  13. “We’re better without Tyler”

    (Lmao, before one crowd comes to crucify me, understand you’re approaching someone who takes no extreme side either way and just noticed this was not brought up on the thread yet, so I just decided to throw this stink bomb in here for the trollolols)

  14. Nickarooski

    Fans that lose touch with reality when they expect perfection from top to bottom of a team. It’s the same guys that only ever comment negative things or after a loss and insist it’s because they’re a true fan that doesn’t accept mediocrity whenever called out for it. To me, I just imagine those type of fans lack success in their own lives. I find solace in knowing they’re most likely not at the top of their own careers and are simply projecting onto a sports team what they’ve failed to address internally.

  15. chitownbulls92

    People and even some on this sub were legit saying Jimmy can’t be the first option on a championship team

  16. pansexualpastapot

    People down playing Bam. Average NBA nephews think he is just hype.

  17. HerroicDunc

    Strus butt licker who constantly shat on Duncan to prop him up. Turns out they were wrong and now they’re back to worshipping Duncan.

  18. Western-Carpet266

    That the Heat are actually interested in, AND SHOULD GO FOR, every seemingly available free agent or trade candidate. Usually the heat are very tight lipped about their moves and go for big swings which (usually) work out good to great for them. Jimmy being a prime example. I have not understood the Beal/Lavine stuff in the past 6 months although obviously Lillard was another story

  19. No_Volume3634

    Everything posted on this sub all off season and first 5 games of the season

  20. Fast_Runners

    People saying Dan Marino’s number is retired. Motherfucker Bam is wearing number 13 right now.

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