@Golden State Warriors

[Warriors on NBCS] Steph Curry reveals what he told Scott Foster after the Chris Paul ejection 👀

[Warriors on NBCS] Steph Curry reveals what he told Scott Foster after the Chris Paul ejection 👀

by shanks_you


  1. Potato_Lord_2737

    Scott foster a grown ass fucking man getting all emotional like the bitch he is

  2. At that point it’s an abuse of power on Scott Foster’s end

  3. Zealousideal_Net_752

    Petty wild how the league let’s this CLEAR conflict of interest happen. Foster definitely has some dirt on the NBA that is protecting him from reprocussions from this shit.

  4. What I really love about the refs’ incredibly quick trigger to eject star players because their egos are fragile af (we’re 16 games in and just on our team we’ve had dray ejected twice, klay ejected, and CP now ejected with 3 of those 4 ejections being entirely undeserved…off the top of my head, Giannis and Jokic have also been ejected entirely undeservedly in the last couple of weeks), is that the league instituted their resting policy this season FOR STAR PLAYERS ONLY to literally force them to play games, including going overboard for nationally televised games (they literally have to get approval in advance from the league to miss them), because they claim they’re looking out for the fan experience and fans don’t pay to come see these guys play only for them to sit out and rest (it’s also for tv ratings, which lol is super relevant for this game) only for their refs to erroneously eject said star players left and right thereby literally going out of their way to cause the very problem they instituted a whole policy to prevent.


    Edit to add: unless there were other ejections tonight that I missed, there have been [12 player ejections]( so far this season, with Warriors star players accounting for 1/3rd (4) of them and they’ve occurred within the span of 11 days 🫠

  5. mangotail

    The league doesn’t care. & they won’t care until someone specifically says it out loud that there is a clear conflict of interest with CP3 and Scott Foster. We’re all tiptoeing around it to avoid fines, but it really is the only way to get the league to notice because they had bad press

  6. steronicus

    Steph was really doing his best to not say crap about Foster, but you can plainly see he doesn’t like the way the guy operates.

  7. Kdog122025

    I feel like I haven’t heard “speaking your truth” since before the pandemic.

  8. I just wanna say this is the coolest fit I’ve ever seen curry wear

  9. swiftycent

    That’s the crazy thing is there’s no repercussions a player can do to a ref. Ref can say whatever he wants and if player responds in kind they get ejected.

  10. wavetoyou

    The way Steph is framing what happened totally reminds me of Shaun Livingston vs referee Ronnie Kirkland. Shaun got in Kirkland’s space, and the ref actually got right back in his face. Crazy. They were chest to chest, Kirkland even leaned into Livingston like it was about to be on, and bang a half-assed head butt. It was hilarious, because as soon is the contact occurred, Kirkland had a reaction like, “oh wait, I’m a referee,” immediately pivoted sideways and ejected Livingston. That was Shaun’s first and only ejection.

    So according to Steph, Foster engages with the player in a combative way, then uses the trump card of being an official to get the final word. Imagine if he tried doing that to Draymond lol.

  11. CanIKickIt-

    Does anyone know what jacket Steph has on? Or what is that style of jacket called?

  12. sundaequeen

    You can tell Steph is trying so hard to stay diplomatic 😐

  13. toothbrush81

    Yeah that was sad. You see foster say “enough” CP walks away and gets a T. That was jacked.

  14. I get what Steph is saying. But CP put himself in that situation. You can stop talking and not get thrown out. You don’t have to have the last word. If the game mattered more to him than being ‘right’ this wouldn’t be an issue. Him and Dray have such little restraint and discipline when it comes to these things. Everyone knows the rules and whom gets to apply them on the court. For a guy that can outthink 95% CP just can’t wrap his head around Scott Foster.

  15. Lol he’s not gonna throw his teammate under the bus.

    Pretty sure cp said some wild things that shouldn’t be said to an official

  16. Honestly if we want the NBA to do something about Scott Foster, we could just stop watching any games he’s reffing. If we get enough people maybe they’ll do something when it costs them money.

  17. mr2firstnames

    Foster is untouchable and loves to make sure you know it. Bad for the game.

  18. RazzmatazzSwimming

    We talking about Scott fuckster when we should be talking about the fact that suns only won by 8 pts when they shot 52 free throws on the night 😂😂😂

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