@Golden State Warriors

Chris Paul on Scott Foster: “It’s personal. The league knows, everybody knows, there’s been a meeting. It’s just a situation with my son. Im ok with a ref talking just don’t use a tech to get your point across…Just know I had a meeting with him, my dad, Doc Rivers, Bob Delaney. Since the Clippers”

Chris Paul on Scott Foster: “It’s personal. The league knows, everybody knows, there’s been a meeting. It’s just a situation with my son. Im ok with a ref talking just don’t use a tech to get your point across…Just know I had a meeting with him, my dad, Doc Rivers, Bob Delaney. Since the Clippers”

by NokCha_


  1. What does that mean?? What does Foster have to do with his Son

  2. akkaneko11

    What the fuck. Honestly I’ve never seen rnba be so up in arms about the warriors getting fucked by the refs as much as they have today. Good to know it was as blatant as it seemed.

  3. c0gvortex

    Wait whaaat? With his son? Wtf is going on..

    This shit is just highly unprofessional anyway you cut it. Why can’t the NBA hold their officials accountable? It’s like they can’t do anything to be removed.. even literally having feuds with players.

  4. My girlfriend swore she saw CP3 saying something about “my dad” during the whole altercation. Maybe she was right.

  5. aught-o-mat

    I’m trying to understand this too…

    Did Foster say something inappropriate to CP’s son during a Clippers game? How else would they even interact?

  6. SpikyCatTail

    This is the powder keg that Adam Silver didn’t want to inherit from the Stern era: The officiating scandal might be blown completely open again all because Foster just can’t help but continually show his ass.

  7. Downtown_Weird6823

    Game is rigged when a ref gets personal with a player!

  8. Is there any reporting on this? What is the whole story??

  9. Sounds like CP and Scott Foster need to forgive each other and move on.

  10. The league is a disappointment for allowing a ref with behavior like that

  11. 938h25olw548slt47oy8

    He’s being super smart with his words here. I’m sure there were a million things he’d really like to say.

  12. RollemFox

    I am sick of refs inserting themselves into the game and being a 3rd factor a team has to play through F that !! Bring on the robots and screw these egotistical refs

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