@Los Angeles Lakers

The Lakers are 7-2 in their last 9 games, despite having an injury crisis. Has Ham impressed throughout this run?

How much of this run can we attribute to Ham’s rotations, working around the injuries?

by ilIusory


  1. The1AndOnlyJZ

    He’s definitely not an elite coach, but not even close to being worthy of being fired

    He’s shown some great willingness to experiment with lineups

  2. I think so. His rotation adjustment has been pretty good. Although it was little late another reason why we came back against dallas was Darvin’s rotation change in 4th quarter

  3. Respectable_mouse

    Fuck no! Lmao were winning in spite of him

  4. brianbrainbrian

    Idk this sub calls him Hamas so he must be bad

  5. MrAppleSpoink

    No, he hasn’t.

    He’s been better than he started the year, but he’s still been bad.

    His timeout usage is horrible, straight up. There’s absolutely no excuse for his lack of attention there.

    The play calling is non-existent. He genuinely just doesn’t call or draw up plays, he lets the players freestyle 95% of the time and it shows.

    His rotations have been the biggest positive this last little while, though his complete refusal to stagger LeBron and DLo is still absolutely maddening.

    Overall, he’s gone from “it’s not possible to win with him as your coach” to “he’ll drag you down but not too far”, so hopefully soon he’ll hit that “meh” phase where he’s just kinda there and not actively hurting us.

  6. everythingp1

    He has his moments but he’s definitely learning from his mistakes.

    He just trusts his players bit too much I think.

  7. from Darvin Hamas to Darvin Hamaste (namaste) 🙏🏽

  8. Ill_Celery_7654

    Please… he’s never getting props on this sub. Too many Frank Vogel fanboys on here.

  9. Respectable_mouse

    How quickly a Win makes ppl forget. This dumbass coach took Wood out when Wood was on an absolute heater, didn’t put him back in till like 2 and a half quarters later when Wood completely cooled off, he followed that by benching Hayes next when Hayes was 5/5 from the field. Didn’t see him till he completely cooled off.

    So no, Ham is a terrible coach. Win or lose, he makes elementary school kid mistakes consistently

  10. ChooJimmy13

    I generally don’t think he’s bad as this sub would have you believe but I just cannot get on board with this offense. He’s been average at best. Believe it or not it’s evident why he receives praise as a great players coach. He has faith in his guys. On another note I believe Lakers need a true center so AD can go back to playing the 4.

  11. Nervous-Guava-7390

    I’ve come to realize that whenever Ham has new players on a team it takes him FOREVER to learn to use them properly. He also sucks at making mid-game rotation adjustments. Besides that, he’s a solid coach.

  12. motorboat_mcgee

    For two of the games it was all fire Ham

    For 7 of the games, it’s silence

  13. Vermillion_Crab

    Even if Lakers had gone 15-2, people here will still tell you he should be fired.

  14. TheMuffingtonPost

    He’s not a perfect coach but he’s certainly not the problem people make him out to be. After every loss this sub wants his head. The biggest problem for the lakers so far is just not being healthy and not shooting very well from 3, that’s not Ham’s fault.

  15. I think he’s good enough to keep. But if a better option becomes available the Lakers should consider moving on.

    Roughly the same level Vogel was, except Ham hasn’t lost the lockerroom.

  16. LebronsPinkyToe

    I still believe he’s incredibly mid. Give them credit for beating teams they are supposed to beat

  17. WeCantBothBeMe

    And how many games ago did they separate AR & Dlo in the starting lineup? Cause yeah the correlation and causation is there.

    No, he hasn’t impressed.

  18. danzag333

    I still think we could be better with Xs and Os, our offense sometimes is difficult to watch. But winning is winning

  19. Uberballer

    I’m still rooting for Darvin the head coach. Last year the team had every excuse imaginable to quit on Ham, who was a rookie head coach at that, but they didn’t and after dealing with a vampire problem proceeded to go on a tear and rally to the post season. Let’s not forget that LeBron also got injured during that run too.

    My problem is, is it’s very evident that the coaching staff *as a unit* is lacking. Phil Handy is great, Ham has shown signs of being a good leader figure but our offense is still incredibly painful to watch, the sub patterns are perplexing at times, and they never manufacture sets to get AD going during games where he’s struggling against a packed defense.

    I still want to see Ham get his equivalent of a Lionel Hollins, a very capable ex head coach without anything to prove and not looking to take Ham’s job from him or sabotage him in any way. Phil had Tex, Vogel had Hollins during his run here, Ham I feel needs that steady hand.

  20. Gristle__McThornbody

    Not even close. That 7-2 record is against a bunch of mid to lottery teams. We still look dead flat to start the games. This is simply on poor game planning and preparation. He doesn’t know how to make adjustments to his rotations. Too slow on the trigger with timeouts. He gives Rui shit minutes. You measure him against the top opponents in the league.

  21. No-Test6484

    Not really. Half our wins are against the jazz and trailblazers. I wouldn’t pat him on the back yet.

  22. Physical-Lie-345

    Myself, it has to do with his inconsistencies. Not feeding AD (especially in mismatches), not addressing the team’s inconsistent shooting etc. But if effort is given then that’s pretty much what you want your team to give night after night.

  23. They are 7-2 despite Ham, not because of him. This team has terrible offense and needs a new offensive coordinator.

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