@Oklahoma City Thunder

Thunder Player Josh Giddey’s Situation May Have GOT WORSE as NBA Opens INVESTIGATION!

Thunder Player Josh Giddey’s Situation May Have GOT WORSE as NBA Opens INVESTIGATION! Giddey has been making a name for himself in the NBA since his debut season with the Oklahoma City Thunder. This year he boasts an average of 12.3 points, 5.7 rebounds, and 4.5 assists. OKC is 11-4 and 2nd in the NBA Western Conference Standings. Adam Silver will likely oversee the probe.


  1. My guy even if this took place in Oklahoma itā€™s not legal (sheā€™s rumored to be from cali.) Itā€™s not legal because thereā€™s something called Romeo and Juliet laws meaning just because it says the age of consent is 16 doesnā€™t mean anyone any age can sleep with or date a 16 year old. The Romeo and Juliet laws make it so the 16 or 17 year old can only date someone whoā€™s 2-4 years older then them. Josh giddey is currently 21 so if sheā€™s 16 heā€™s screwed, if he met her when she was 15 and he was 20 heā€™s even more screwed. The only way he could sneak by is if she is 17 rn and if Oklahoma or whatever state this took place in allows a 4 year age difference in theyā€™re Romeo and Juliet laws, rather then a 3 or 2 year gap. But in no state in America where the age of consent is 16 or 17 is a 5 year age difference allowed, under the Romeo and Juliet laws Iā€™ve been talking about it only extends to 4 years at max. So Iā€™m 90% sure what heā€™s doing is illegal in all 50 states, unless sheā€™s 17 rn then he could sneak by I think in the states that allow a 4 year gap. Either way itā€™s messed up imo. No excuse for a NBA player to be dating a 16 or 17 year old junior in high school. Who how old the girl was when he met her either, itā€™s rly sick if the NBA shoves this under the rug theyā€™re seriously messed up.

  2. Can't understand why these pro-athletes continue to PERV on lil kids Guys w tons of money chasing after babies.WEIRD DUDE??

  3. At this point, it better be fake video or a different girl. This girl who's allegedly being identified is currently a junior in high school. If these videos are old, then it means she was even younger. šŸ˜¬And if all of this isn't true, then come out and say so instead of saying "no comment".

  4. Itā€™s funny how this dude bases his whole way of judging the situation based on what stupid law happens to be written in whatever state.

    If they say itā€™s against the law he condemns. If not he doesnā€™t knowā€¦ Typical spineless character.

  5. To me, most clubs are places for drinking booze and partying. Can a 16 year old legally enter one of those in Oklahoma? Too many have very good fake IDs. Her face looks considerably older than 16 to me. I looked younger than her in the face when I was 20. Iwas still being carded when I was 27. Not on the day I turned 21 though. I think they can tell when a newly 21er wants to be carded. Twenty-one was the minimum drinking age in California. It may have changed. I heard it has been changed in many states. By the time I left California they carded everybody who was buying liquor or cigarettes no matter how old they looked. So at 65 I was being carded.
    Two long term green card employees of a company I worked at turned out to be here illegally. Their drivers licenses and paperwork looked legit. They got pulled over in a company truck for a traffic violation. The officer doubted the license. They were fake. The company was told the were expert fakes and would fool most people so they wouldnā€™t go after the company that time. They would if it happened again. Los Angeles was infamous before Covid for being a place you could easily get excellent fake IDs as well as stolen SSNs.
    I do not jump to conclusions. Our so-called news media does that all the time and they destroy the lives of innocent people.

  6. Why the hell would an NBA player be hanging around high school kids? Just plain stupid. This man is a predator

  7. I wonder why Malika Andrews hasn't commented on this situation? There must be something different about Josh than all the other men that she eviscerated on tv, but I just can't put my finger on it white now, I mean right now.

  8. I mean so comical and ridiculous. Honestly, it should just be between The guy thr girl and the family because what he's got a lot of money gonna get her rich good for her good for the kid good for everybody. Better than being poor and depressed, she's not even Mad she has already approved by her own terms., A horny sixteen year old big surprise
    According to the state there was no law to break. If it was some l g b t q, they would have been all fine with it and that's even sicker

  9. If Adam Silver doesnā€™t develop nutritional skills or discontinue his chemotherapy, he cannot ever be seen again in public. He needs a feeding tube. TPN therapy. Where are his Doctors??

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