@Los Angeles Lakers

Game Notes: Lakers v Cavs (11/25/23)

These are my game notes. Use them for discussion, disagreement, confirmation, eye test recap, whatever.



– AD: Immediately doubled AD who found creative ways around it (brought up the ball, middies, offensive glass) – remained aggressive. Dude can be such a cheat code.

– Bron: Shot looked off all game, and defense was sussy. Not a great game by Bron.

– AR: Relentlessly getting attacked on O (back cut, blow by), but distributed the ball exceptionally well. Also showed that guards can box out bigs.

– DLO: Had a nice layup/steal sequence in 1Q, but was otherwise out of sync (timing was off).

– Max: Intentionally drew play for Max 1Q to get him into offensive flow. Good D, better O. Did a good job on Mitchell who shot 4/18 but got a friendly whistle. Best game of the season.

– Hayes: Started a little nervous – loose hands and passes – but settled in and had a really good scoring 2Q.

– Wood: Due for a good offensive game. Not sure why he didn’t play in 3Q but didn’t really matter.

by LearnedToe


  1. LoveTheHustleBud

    I’d add the overall carelessness with the ball. Moreso with lebron, but it felt like everyone was sloppy with the ball for stretches

    Also, we’re still not doing a good enough job rotating to ADs man when he helps on D. Very reminiscent of Roy hibberts year with us where his man was getting lob after dump off after lob because he was helping stop the drive and nobody helped the helper. With how aggressive we are in the passing lanes, gotta make an effort to sprint to ADs man when the gamble doesn’t pay off

  2. flowermoon24

    I know Lebron can heat up from the 3 but am i the only one who just freezes whenever lebron decides to shoop a curry range or contested 3 like for no reason at all… he would waste 10-15 seconds dribbling then just settle for a 3.

  3. Electronic_Bit9495

    It’s crazy DLo played horrible and his +/- is 3

  4. KarrotMovies

    I thought LeBron played great defense. Very active. His shot was off but he was still a net positive

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