@Milwaukee Bucks

Do the bucks really have a terrible defense?

I think the media and us as fans have really blown things out of proportion on the defensive end.

I think playing some more explosive teams on the offensive end might expose the weaknesses more, but as it stands the adjustments being made on that end of the ball have been the right ones.

I think what it comes down to is, ‘How do we make sure our defense isnt complete dog crap in the first half?’

I think some of that is chemistry, and some of that is the right starting lineup. Either way, we need to figure out how to start stronger. We’ll be a more complete team then.

However, don’t let the media or randoms fool you. Theres a reason we have a top spot in the east, even when playing badly. Its because our team has been good, just not in the ways we might be used to.

by RyanJStories


  1. RyanJStories

    Also, i will add that defense is extremely important but more so in the playoffs. And seeing as our defense skyrockets in intense situations, i think we’ll be fine.

    It’s also important to note that it’s much easier to be a good team while having a middling defense than having a garbage offense and having a fantastic defense.

  2. FlipMoBitch

    Bucks have a switch they can flip when they need to and they know it. They’re still not even 20 games into turning over the coaching staff and half the roster so it’s looked disjointed and rough at times and that’s FINE. They’re still winning games.

    Dame and Giannis under contract for at least 3 seasons so remember this isn’t the last iteration of the dynamic duo Bucks.

  3. ScubaSteve716

    Bucks were great defensively the last couple years and 3 of the last 4 ended in disaster / disappointment at best. So I don’t blame them for trying something new going more offensive instead. Plus I think they’ll get better as time goes on.

  4. TheGamersGazebo

    We held Portland to only 14 4th quarter points to win the game last night. We also have the second best clutch time defensive rating behind only the Wolves. Anyone watching the games can see when the team locks in on defense, and it’s no exaggeration to say we are near top of the league when we do. We are FINE.

    Side note, sixers have the WORST defensive rating (by nearly 6 points) in the league in clutch time situations so take from that what you will.

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