@Oklahoma City Thunder

“but chet had a whole year of nba training and practices” the workouts in question…

“but chet had a whole year of nba training and practices” the workouts in question…

by stonerslug47


  1. And then to make it even better, Wemby played in the pros for 3 years…

  2. Strange1130

    He’s having a historic year even more a sophomore, anyway

    But who cares what the haters say, doesn’t really matter

  3. MatFernandes

    Wembies before: Wemby is a much better prospect than Chet, he played profrssionaly agains GROWN MAN 🥵 while Chet played agains college dudes
    Wembies now: B-b-b-but Chet has had a whole year to practice at an NBA team, its not fair to Wemby 😭

  4. People talk about Chet taking away from Wemby, but it’s the opposite. If Wembanyama didn’t exist we wouldn’t be seeing these copium arguments.

    The average NBA fan is so damn annoying.

  5. JeramiGrantsTomb

    I do think the time off was beneficial to him, but that’s just a testament to Chet’s greatness — he refused to take a day off and got right to work even when he had to do it like that. Most guys would have waited until they had some mobility or could at least stand, but this guy is crazy about hoops. Working himself to an advantage on one leg isn’t something to hold against him, it’s the REASON he’s great.

  6. ConfidentDraft9564

    Since age the biggest point when discussing Chet v. Wemby:

    At the end of the day, compared to other 21 year olds, Chet is over performing against other 21 year olds.

    Also while I’m sure watching film while rehabbing for 9 months out of the year his rookie season helped him somewhat, the dude looked really good last years Summer League too.

    Honestly I don’t care about ROTY either.

    Just want each to become the most of themselves for the sake of entertainment at the end of day.

  7. android24601

    Wemby really living rent free up there, huh😄

  8. roastedhambone

    Some of y’all are just looking for things to be mad about

  9. DoughNutSack

    Nobody wants to talk about the fact that Chet is moving and playing so well for a 7 footer recovering from what is historically a career ending injury (edit- not as true as I thought after further research) for guys his size. I guarantee he didn’t want to sit a whole year and maybe it helped him mentally but it’s not easy recovering from something like that and getting back into game shape.

  10. Brooklynfool

    Bro stop worrying about what people say about Wemby vs. Chet. Chet is an amazing player who cares what they think w Wemby

  11. duderello

    Damn. Got a respect to the kid , he has drive to be great.

    Now put micic on the floor

  12. LordJxnkulous

    He definitely had a full year of NBA media and training though.

  13. Big_Boodu_Moot69

    Who cares what people say. I’m a heat fan and would absolutely kill to have chet. Dude is fucking amazing and imo should be a lock for roy

  14. stonerslug47

    this isn’t directed towards wemby vs chet. this is for those who thought Chet was running drills and practicing NBA sets with this teammates for a whole year, which isn’t true.

  15. Bol-Bol-Bol-Bol-Bol

    I love Chet and think he will be a superstar but this pic make him look like a Make-a-Wish kid 😭

  16. blacksoxing

    I disagree with OP’s argument. Chet being able to be in “the system” and see players like SGA compete while in a front row seat is already huge…but he also got to attend the closed door practices that a college/Euro player would DREAM to attend. He had access to some of the best dietitians and trainers, as the Thunder is a wonderful organization. He was likely in the same rooms studying film alongside the team.

    Chet **is** on a higher level than Wemby in that regard. Even if he was one-footed he still had a better chance than Wemby in those regards of learning how to be a NBA professional. Wemby was also a professional, but he wasn’t even playing at the highest level! Euroball is also drastically different than the NBA. What he’s doing is amazing, but it’s also obvious he ain’t “the man” yet as I’ve seen a lot of mistakes. Chet isn’t, too! They’re both rookies!!!

    One thing that we though gotta just remember in life: Chet and Wemby play different positions. They’re both over 7 ft, but Wemby is basically Dirk/KD, while Chet is gearing up to be a modern KG. It’s not fair to compare what Wemby can do vs Chet as Wemby isn’t hanging down low, AND Chet isn’t camping near the perimeter, ready to easily shoot a mid-range like Wemby is doing.

    I feel like we’re better than these casual fans, right???

  17. New-Candy-800

    You realize that being in film, learning from coaches and your teammates for a whole year is a benefit, right?

    Not saying playing professionally in France doesn’t come with it’s own set of benefits. You could definitely argue that playing pro is more beneficial than just learning while being in an NBA setting. But the plain truth is that being around your team for a year, playing or not, is huge for a rookie. Wemby has to adjust to NBA life this year, and chet does not

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