@Milwaukee Bucks

My exact thoughts about this “FIRE GRIFF” bullsh*t

I’m so sick of this bs man. I understand Griff is not perfect but the notion that he’s a horrible coach just because he’s doing different rotations every night I couldn’t get behind.

Seriously, look at the personnel he has to deal with compared to what Bud had. Bud had Jrue Holiday, Wes Matthews, Jevon Carter, and Jae Crowder.

What does Griff have? We’re talking about defense here. Dame? Malik Beasley? By no means, I’m regretting the Dame trade but goddamn it he ain’t no Jrue Holiday defensively like it’s a far far cry. I don’t know what part about that is hard to understand.

And then we get mad because we have to rely on a bunch of greenhorns defensively.

The crazy part about it is the defense, when they start really trying, is far from being horrible, like come half time we suddenly can hold people down.

I wonder why? Hmmmm…

I understand that we wouldn’t win unless Griff finds what works.

But again, this notion that he’s horrible for trying different things in the regular season is dumb. Isn’t that what we’re constantly harping on Bud about.

I feel like we just really can’t decide what we want and it’s so fucking corny.

by eyyren


  1. ironistkraken

    I think Griff is doing pretty well so far. Even if we are one of the best teams in the league, a new coach needs time. Also we need Marjon to play defense consistently, which asks a lot.

  2. Blindeafmuten

    Ok, let’s reverse this.

    What do you give credit to him for?

    (Downvoting is easier that finding sth, I guess)

  3. Stunning_Campaign_10

    We’re 12-5, contending for best record in the league, and assessing different lineups to see what works. Griff is a good coach and he’ll continue to grow with this team. Good vibes

  4. ThatMkeDoe

    Back when we had Bud people whined bitched and moaned that he didn’t play the bench as much, they complained that his defensive scheme was too stagnant, they complained that he wouldn’t make any changes, that he wouldn’t use his challenge, never called time outs…

    Griffin so far has tried several different rotations, calls time outs and actually makes changes to what we’re doing, he uses his challenges, he plays the bench a hell of a lot more, and he’s been adapting his defensive scheme (yes yes it’s still not great).

    I don’t understand why people think that the players will instantly adapt from buds protect the paint defense to printer defense instantly… It get used to having new and different players on the lineup. Considering everything that’s changed since last season, we’re doing fucking amazing and I look forward to more!

  5. thegabrieldavid

    Me personally, I’m not making my mind up on a head coach who is 17 games into his career. 2 years from now? Alright, we can at least *have* the discussion. Until then? Just enjoy the fact we have *two* top-75 players on our team right now.

    You know when people talk about the “good times”? These *are* the good times. Enjoy it everyone.

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