@Los Angeles Lakers

Coaching masterclass.

1st quarter and its over.

by juicewar01


  1. juicewar01

    20-2 run no timeouts. After timeout Pulls JHS outta the bag. Brilliant

    8 min garbage time in the 4th. With no youngin going hard. Genius

    The contrast between Nurse vs Ham in 1st qtr is so disparingly big. After AD scored 4 straight buckets, Nurse changed the D with Embiid roaming and thrwoing doubles at AD. Ham responded by absolutely doing nothing and calling a 2-3 zone on D. Thats it. Ballgame. Classic Ham mindset

    He is better at motivational speeches than coaching. Part of coaching but his schemes needs to be better. Outclassed again. This shits gettin old

  2. Instamonsta

    A genuine question would be why AR is over committing on help defence for 3-4 straight possessions that kept leading to wide open 3s for the Sixers.

    Other than that we are down bad with depth as the majority of our bench is actually injured.

    It always just looks that every time can one man guard our offence guards but we can’t do the same.

  3. Consistent_Owl4593

    “Leave their shooters open they’ll miss eventually”

  4. Top-boy-og

    He’s an awful coach. But clowns will keep defending him just because we win some games. News flash we’re winning those games because of talent, not Darvin.

  5. MrAppleSpoink

    He’s so bad I’m genuinely not sure I’m going to continue watching this season. We have enough talent to be very, very good even considering all our injuries, but this worthless fucking idiot is getting in the way.

    He just makes dumb decision after dumb decision after **dumb fucking decision**.

    He lets a 20-2 run go by before a timeout, he comes out of that timeout with the plan to… PLAY JALEN HOOD-SCHIFINO????????

    He sends comitted help from one pass away on 40+% 3 point shooters all game, and the only time he goes away from this… IS TO RUN A FUCKING ZONE????

    He actively refuses to stagger DLo and LeBron despite them being the only 2 players capable of running their own unit, leading to the non-DLo/LeBron units getting absolutely clobbered when depth is supposed to be OUR strength.

    He uses Jaxson Hayes as a corner spacer for half his minutes while Prince is setting screens?

    He uses Prince consistently as an off ball chaser when that is, and has been for his whole career, his biggest defensive weakness.

    For fuck sake there was a bit there where Max and Austin shared the floor and Austin was guarding Maxey while Max guarded Pat Bev. Like what the actual fuck.

    There’s no chance we win with him as our coach, none. These mistakes I named were all from one game, and any one of them alone would be enough to heavily criticize him if it happened once in an entire week.

    He’s useless, completely and utterly useless, and there’s absolutely no chance we repeat last year’s success with him because truth be told last year was a fluke.

    Unfortunately, he’s on a 5 year deal, so we’ll have to sit through several more years of painful loss after painful loss after blown lead after failed adjustments that cost us winnable games. This is hell as an NBA fan. I hope Jeanie Buss can sell this team already because she’s dug us into a hole so deep we may not recover for years.

  6. Sucks but you guys know who else this sub shitted on when they didnt call timeouts? The great Phil Jackson. Frank Vogel in 2020.

    Can we blame specific plays and lineups than the timeout thing.

  7. ValuableAssociate8

    Darvin Hands in My Pocket ran a zone defense all game against a team shooting 47% from the 3.

    Fire him right now.

  8. darklighthumid

    I notice that the dent on his head has gotten bigger.

  9. outsidehere

    Everytime it’s spoken that he’s a bad coach and he is. Wait a few games and everyone will be on his dick again. Darvin’s best role is an assistant coach. He cannot be the one running a team’s playstyle.

  10. IMGPsychDoc



  11. _Gear-Lord_

    He should let that little alien on his forehead coach for once

  12. pinkman52

    But then you dumbasses will defend him the next game when we win when that would just be attributed to either the other team playing terribly or our own players putting in the effort. I’ve said this time and time again – HAM IS NOT A GOOD COACH AND HE NEVER HAS BEEN. STOP FINDING EXCUSES FOR HIM

  13. FenixSunRT

    They need to practice shooting by aiming for that crater on his head

  14. donta5k0kay

    We can only hope the players are tanking to get Hamas fired


    I am sorry. I dont want nobody to lose their Job. Darvim Ham seems like a great guy and all but with him, i dont see the Lakers winning a championship. This team with a diferente coach would have at least 3/4 more wins this year and at least the defense and the first quarter’s would be diferent. I know the best defenders are out but what we are seeing almost a quarter of the season gone by is just not good enough. Why play zone when they are hiting all their 3 point shots? why oh why double embiid at the top of the key every fucking time? i just cant understand why there are no adjustments

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