@National Basketball Association

[Highlight] Bill Kennedy’s reaction after hearing his own loud voice in Detroit.

[Highlight] Bill Kennedy’s reaction after hearing his own loud voice in Detroit.

by MrBuckBuck


  1. heybobson

    There should be a league requirement that every game Kennedy works that coaches have to use their challenges.

  2. americanbeaver

    It’s really amazing that people know Bill Kennedy’s name and it’s for good reasons.

  3. Bill Kennedy is one of the few refs whose name I know that I actually like. He usually does a great job explaining the conclusion of reviews for the crowd and he seems pretty likable as far as player interactions go.

  4. bobismymother

    Can he please be cloned and have his clones ref every game?

  5. soonandsoforth1

    Love the man. He loves what he does and it can be seen every moment.

  6. alyosha_pls

    Humanizing the refs… that shit ain’t gonna work on me, NBA

  7. JustCallMeMichael

    Man’s got that horseshoe action going on in his tricep

  8. crouchingnarwhal

    There was a funny moment at a Sixers game last week where Maxey was spacing out in front of the mic during a challenge and Kennedy just stood there silently for a minute staring at him before he noticed.

  9. ShesMovedOnMan

    Bill Kennedy is hilarious. I don’t why he just always makes me chuckle.

  10. Doomdoomkittydoom

    I don’t know how he is as ref, but I always smile when he does these replays.

  11. Bill Kennedy seems unique among refs in that he actually likes basketball.

  12. He looks like he’s an actor on a 90s sit com.

    Also, that was definitely loud and would make anyone react like that.

  13. ZiOnIsNeXtLeBrOn

    I feel like he is just a character from Pysch.

    And he would just really fit in with Shawn and Gus. He would be great friends with Jules and Lassie. He would probably go fishing with Henry.

  14. Ender_Cats

    This whole game was kinda funny, during a play review later on Jordan Poole came over to the Wizards’ commentator bench and gave them m&ms

  15. This guy talks like an elementary school teacher not a ref

  16. OhhhYeahDoritosTime

    A likable ref in today’s NBA who acts like a real human bean? Protect this man at all costs

  17. 95castles

    This guy always has very expressive reactions to anything, I try to keep an eye on him when he’s reffing my team.

  18. Ian Eagle always praises him. Dude should do audio books.

  19. Bieberkinz

    I dunno if Bill Kennedy is writing a memoir, journal or something but if he is, I hope he drops it one day and releases an audio book alongside

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