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Monte Morris’s injury is worse than the Detroit Pistons told the fans?

On The Pistons Talk Podcast, Anthony and Lance discussed the recent injury news about Monte Morris being out for another 6-8 weeks.

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  1. Who cares? If he was healthy we would all just be complaining thqat he's playing over Sasser. Monte is not leading us out of NBA hell.

  2. They really need a veteran point. The minute I saw he was injured, I knew this team was doomed.

  3. I don't really go for conspiracy theories, not that this really is one. But I wonder if the locker room right now is irritated because all the veterans keep getting mysteriously held up. They'll be in practice, all ready to go, and then they'll get whisked away with some mysterious injury.

    Monte Morris looks ready and then boom, out for two months, and then he posts that "Cap" tweet.

    Bojan is getting back to practice, but had already been held out since March 1st with essentially Achilles soreness, and now a calf strain since training camp, which, in vague sports reporting terms, is the same injury. And he was cleared to start practice about a week ago, but they keep waiting to play him. Getting shut down at the end of last season wasn't an injury, to remind people, it was basically soreness. And his current injury is a Grade 1 Calf Strain, which is something that doesn't prevent you from walking normally, doesn't require treatment, is basically just a medical term for a sore calf muscle, and goes away on its own for normal people in 1-3 weeks. It's been approximately two months for Bogey.

    Joe Harris is even weirder, though. He wasn't playing great, but was at least drawing some attention. And then he goes out. It started with him being out with a sprained shoulder. Then, on November 7th, they say he'll be reevaluated in 10-14 days for his sprained AC Joint. It has been 21 days with zero reports. For reference, Killian sprained his left shoulder and was back after one game, and he might still be hurt, actually, considering he pretty much wouldn't shoot against the Wizards last night. And if Killian IS still hurt, that just shows how inconsistent this all is.

    I'm not even inclined to think Monty Williams has anything to do with this, because the entire period between the trade deadline last season to today stunk long before he got here. Just about all of it is suspect, from not trading Bojan at the deadline last season and then shutting him down 3/4 of the way through the season, to trading Bey for Wiseman, the fact that they had to try multiple times to get Monty Williams to come here (despite Weaver really wanting Kevin Ollie), only trading for Morris and Harris this offseason, extending Stew of all people (decent player but not your first priority), Wiseman repeatedly sneaking into the lineup, and basically every thing from this season so far. If you think about it, even drafting Ausar was questionable at the time, because we needed shooting. I like to think they always believed Ausar would be this special, but if I found out that this result was a complete accident, I somehow wouldn't be surprised.

    If I were the Pistons young core and coaching staff right now, I would be pretty ticked off. None of the higher ups seem at all concerned with actually winning or being competitive this year, and aren't even communicating with fans. It's almost like a cult in there. And I highly doubt this weird vibe is originating from Monty Williams, because he brought in respected assistants from around the league that were excited to work with him and this core. All of the people on the ground level, from the coaches to the players, were expecting to compete.

  4. When I saw Monty sitting at that Podium and heard him say that he's not going to argue fouls because he ain't about to lose $50,000 it made me think Ok Pistons 50 k "Is" a lot of dough to part with but it also sounds like, for the most part, you're on your own. And that's just what they've been after game 2, on their own.

    Someone commented they're not really into conspiracy theories. I am. But with a caveat. Being a Pistons fan since 1969 and seeing some of the mess that's transpired over those years and now us being at an excruciatingly low point no one's going to tell me that some of the secretive stuff that's happening, the silence and failing management of this team isn't somewhat by design.

    When it comes to conspiracy theories I can go deep into the rabbit hole at times. Heck sometimes the rabbit hole ain't big enough for me to fit my conspiracies into. Since the front office are tight-lipped and not telling us what's going on you almost have no choice but to speculate and play guessing games. And at some point conspiracies are bound to creep into that guessing.

    We all know it's Detroit vs Everybody, Michigan vs Everybody, The Refs vs The Pistons and now it feels like its The Pistons Front Office vs The Pistons players and the fans.

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