@Golden State Warriors

Anyone else get enraged watching Draymond do this last night?

Anyone else get enraged watching Draymond do this last night?

by SeekingSignificance


  1. SeekingSignificance

    Dude flopped and then just lay there on the floor while the team got back on defense. You could see Kerr yelling at him to get the hell up!

  2. Stomper8479

    For the second game in a row he lost his composure and it affected the outcome. He was embarrassing

  3. sergechewbacca

    I thought he got hit watching it live. Then they showed the replay and his delayed reaction was hilarious. Embarrassing flop.

  4. I honestly think this team, how it’s constructed is better without him. It’s time to package him up and say goodbye. Curry is the only person that wants him there.

  5. zer01zer08

    This shit had me dying laughing last night. Even Kerr was tired of it and yelling at him to get back into the offensive set lol.

  6. motherthrowee

    this probably killed our momentum more than anything else in the game

  7. busybee919

    What’s worse is he goes and gets a tech right after bc the refs didn’t fall for his flop, so he gets mad and commits a dumb foul.

  8. Draymond, Klay, Kuminga… I’m enraged too often this year.

  9. talentedmrbourne

    They will make excuses for him like they always do and say Draymond was trying to fire up the team.

    But in reality, he proceeds to foul Monk which was their last foul to give before free throws. Then he gets a tech.

    They lost by one point.

  10. One_Grapefruit_8512

    Can’t say “enraged” 😆 but I also was surprised (shouldn’t have been!) at the replay and the extreme delayed reaction. I have 8-year-old triplets and Dray’s antics could make him my quadruplet 🤪

  11. Sokkawater10

    Should’ve traded him last offseason. Said it then and now it’s too late. No one will want him anymore because the NBA is about playing 5 shooters and letting your best perimeter player handle the ball in spread pick and roll and enjoy the spacing.

    We play two non shooters and our best player rarely handles the ball and when he does he’s turning it over

  12. JimiHotSauce

    So stupid. He’s still salty about Gobert getting DPOY and he tries the move you do when your defense is trash. Cmon Dray

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