@Golden State Warriors

Thoughts on Kevin O’Connors segment about the warriors (Discuss below)

Thoughts on Kevin O’Connors segment about the warriors (Discuss below)

by Wontonsoupz


  1. deep1863fake

    I’m really starting to think the solution to this is ripping Kerr out and finding a new coach.

  2. AHundredBasketballs

    He hit the nail right on the head with that one.

  3. Wild that he was apparently out of the rotation and he only got minutes because of CP3’s injury. I think it’s a good idea to shorten rotations but Kerr’s rotations has been wild. It’s good to test things out early in the season but his favouritism is outta hand.

  4. Some_Championship506

    KOC is trash but he’s right. They lost game 4 last year because Lonnie Walker got hot and Darvin Ham left him in the game to finish. Doing shit like this just hurts the entire team, including Klay.

  5. bbcjay718

    We went from strength in numbers to Strength in Vets ! Smh

  6. YSLMangoManiac

    Honestly it’s a tough position for Kerr I’d hate to be in his shoes and having to make these sorts of decisions especially when the vets have accomplished so much with him. I’m sure bob leaving also had something to do with this whole scenario and he wanted to avoid having to make such difficult choices. If we are being honest I don’t see that sorta tough decision being made unless we get a different coach or if one of the vets asks to come off the bench

  7. oldmanchew

    Kerr’s words and actions are in conflict. Says he’s gonna play the hot hand; benches Moody. Says Podz is gonna play every night; DNPs Podz. He’s gonna lose the team, if it hasn’t happened already.

  8. Said the same thing last night. Kerr is now 100% focused on massaging egos, winning games be damned. Moody and kuminga (though not last night for him to be fair) have largely deserved more minutes than the vet guys all year

  9. are warriors suffering from the “disease of me”

    7 “danger signs” are :

    >**1.** ***Inexperience in dealing with sudden success.*** *When success’s spotlight shines on you for the first time, you bask in the glory rather than putting the attention on your teammates who helped make the success a reality.*
    >***2. Chronic feelings of under-appreciation.*** *You do not feel you are getting enough credit or attention for the team’s success.*
    >***3. Paranoia over being cheated out of one’s rightful share.*** *Success has financial rewards. Rather than celebrating team accomplishment, you focused on who is getting what share of the pie.*
    >**4.** ***Resentment against the competence of partners.*** *Rather than celebrating the giftedness of your teammate(s), you grow resentful, jealous, and envious of their skills, talents, abilities, and notoriety.*
    >***5. Personal effort mustered solely to outshine a teammate.*** *The story involving Adbul-Jabbar mentioned above is reflective of this. Your self-improvement is for the purposes of beating your teammate(s) rather than your rival.*
    >**6.** ***A leadership vacuum resulting from the formation of cliques and rivalries.*** *Organizations suffering from The Disease Of Me are fractured organizations. Rather than a leader or leadership team, the organization has splintered into a series of groups with personal agendas. In these environments, your organization has become a group of internally-competing autonomous zones.*
    >**7.** ***Feelings of frustration even when the team performs successfully.*** *You are not happy for the team’s success unless you get your notoriety, compensation, credit, and additional future opportunities.*

    seems as warriors players notably the veterans on the roster in particular not named curry, you know the names, are going thru some of the stages of what former lakers, knicks, heat coach riley said is the “disease of me” which you could argue you we actually started to see signs of after the 2022 NBA title with the draymond punch during training camp

    i think we saw some of this at the end of the durant era of the warriors in 2018/19 but somehow the team rebounded and won the 2022 NBA title but it looks like some aspects are showing up again with this team

  10. AssortedSub

    I’ve never been a Kerr hater, but it’s starting to feel like it’s time to move on

  11. Bootz_B_Knockin

    The more and more I think about last season I think the inherent problem was ego. Everyone wanted to blame Wiseman and Jordan for last season, last season is completely on the core and Steve.

  12. this_is_ely

    For all of Kerry’s good qualities as a coach, it always feels like he capitulates too much to his vet players at times. Burning your last timeout because Steph told you to, benching a red hot Moody so you can play Klay, or his general approach on Draymond’s antics.

  13. barstoollanguage

    I hope our starting 5 and Kerr are reading this.

    You hear me klay you bum, Kerr you idiot.

  14. guesswhodat

    I mean at this point if this is Kerr’s actual mindset might as well trade your young talent for some vets that can help this team in a playoff run.

  15. imminentjogger5

    also why the fuck did we draft “nba ready” players if we aren’t going to play them?

  16. grifter356

    I mean it’s true. I love Steve Kerr. Have always defended him when he has had criticism thrown his way. But last night was unconscionable. There’s a lot reasons why we lost last night but you can’t act like Moody wasn’t giving us a performance that gave us the best chance to win. You have to stick with the hot hand, that feels like coaching 101.

  17. The cat is out the bag. Kerr has to eat this. And so do the vets. Thi is what they have CHOSEN.

  18. Who cares, Kerr has explicitly said he doesn’t listen to the noise during the season.

  19. jesseserious

    It’s worse because the veterans are the ones who fucked it up! If they aren’t even **dependable**, why should they be prioritized over someone who’s hustling his ass off and draining shots??

  20. cyann1380

    We dont need radical changes at this point. Start Klay. Keep all your starters. But cut their minutes except Steph and Wiggs (they need to lead).

  21. toothbrush81

    Spot on. Moody deserved this minutes. Wasn’t me that started this but…


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