@National Basketball Association

[The Athletic] Mitchell Robinson to @FredKatz on why basketballs turn brown: “It’s got dirt and bacteria. People here don’t wash their hands. There’s a few people in this league that wash their hands. A few of them. But I can. I do. I wash my hands”

[The Athletic] Mitchell Robinson to @FredKatz on why basketballs turn brown: “It’s got dirt and bacteria. People here don’t wash their hands. There’s a few people in this league that wash their hands. A few of them. But I can. I do. I wash my hands”

by us3rf


  1. SalahManeFirmino

    People who don’t wash their hands need to be sent straight to the gulag. It’s so gross.

  2. OnlyMamaKnows

    Unfortunately Mitch doesn’t dry his hands afterwards which is why so many passes to him slip away. One step at a time.

  3. unclehelpful

    Is Josh Hart showing us how dirty his unwashed hands are?

  4. OkBuddyErennary

    And in case you want to know what he looks like, a picture of Josh Hart

  5. MrBuckBuck

    That is a dirty play… smh

    Also, imagine someone gets a tech for not washing their hands…

    Double tech and ejection for not washing your hands with ~~soup~~ soap.

  6. kaygeeboo

    Don’t wash their hands and don’t even trim their nails 🤢

  7. Long and dirty fingernails, not wiping down sweat between games, not bringing their own bottles for water, wearing unclean gym gear from the last session 2 days ago; blergh, other people are disgusting.

    This is just a list of things I notice from playing regularly at the Y. You call these people out, but they just don’t care.

    I go as far as bringing my own handsoap to wash my hands between games because most time there’s no soap available. I do this just not for my own comfort but for others as well. It’s just good habit to be clean and hygienic.

  8. Sea-Tangelo-1786

    Steve Nash licking his hand was the most cursed shit

  9. epoch_fail

    The league could stand to enforce a bare minimum of hygiene. Wash hands with soap, clip nails, wash hair, wear deodorant/antiperspirant, etc.

  10. WhoopingKing

    few people in the league? how would one achieve such knowledge

  11. But I do, I wash my hands. Tell the girl. Tell her I wash my hands.

  12. PanthalassaRo

    Big Meech really calling Gobert out, the DPOY race is getting nasty.

  13. Fantastic_Raisin_581

    Grosses me out even more that bogie kisses the ball before possessions

  14. Professional-Sock231

    And then Curry keeps putt in his hand in his mouth to play with his mouth guard. He’s eating the league’s asshole

  15. BirdBucket

    People are really questioning wet leather turning a darker color right now

  16. the_alert

    Jesus, some of these kids in the league are slow. NBA balls are made of leather, it patinas, or darkens, with use and age like all leather goods do.

  17. GunAndAGrin

    There are people who literally brag about not washing up.

    ‘I was taught not to piss on myself’

    Thats their logic. Can almost guarantee these fuckers are the same people who shit all over the toilet seat and then dont clean it up after, the double whammy.

    There are some forreal dirty mother fuckers out there. One would think there would be hardly any in the US in a 2023 professional setting, but here I am, at a corporate office/manufacturing plant, dodging terrible hygiene from all sorts of people from all sorts of backgrounds, almost daily.

    Clean your shit up, literally and figuratively. Insane how many grown ass adults are still messy bastards.

  18. jumboponcho

    Hell I hate when I leave the gym with scratches on my arms from dudes with long fingernails, basic hygiene should be a minimum requirement.

  19. As legendary pitcher Zack Greinke once said: “Some of you guys have been doing the No. 2 and not washing your hands. It’s not good. I noticed it even happening earlier today. So if you guys could just be better about it, that would be great.”

  20. biinroii01

    mitch is a man of few words, but when he speaks u need to listen to

  21. Fans rarely think about it but athletes are some of the most disgusting people on the planet.

    They didn’t suddenly develop good hygiene, they’re still the sweaty, dirty guy on your HS team or at the park that played for 3 hours then through a new shirt on didn’t give a second thought to showering.

  22. ukrainesvoboda

    The answer is natural human oils not necessarily dirt tf
    Galaxy Brain Mitchell Robinson, everyone

  23. thereticent

    The number of guys who lick their hands as part of the free throw ritual, even during covid, is pukeworthy

  24. the-pak-man

    Some gross motherfuckers lick their finger tips before shooting free throws

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