@Oklahoma City Thunder

The Best Rebuild In NBA History…

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The OKC Thunder Just Finished The Best Rebuild In NBA History…

#nba #nbahistory #thunder


  1. Send Giddey to Utah where that behavior isn’t condemned. He’ll be welcomed in the Mormon church.

  2. You'll be saying "best rebuild in history" again 2-3 yrs from now to my Spurs, and we didn't have to tank in purpose. We have a generational talent as a franchise guy, Vassel has legit potential to be number 2, KJ as a great 3rd scoring option, and we have hybrid of Green-Marion in Sochan as a high-end utility/glue guy who's willing to do all the dirty work for the team. Just need a starting PG, wing depth and a back-up big that can play both 4-5.

  3. Sorry, I mention this in every video I see that talks about OKC
    but OKC is the BEST team in the league right now and I don’t even wanna hear it from anybody

  4. I'm sure the Thunder are entertaining the idea of trading Josh Giddey, but it has more to do with non-basketball reasons.

  5. Great video and all of this is cool but it would have been great to find out more about the man/men making these great decisions. There’s such little coverage of this team I JUST learned who the head coach was 2 weeks ago

  6. A little premature, they haven't done anything. If they never make it past the 1st rd the next 5 years this video still stands? hell no

  7. I'd argue that the Boston Celtics in 13-14 was the best rebuild in recent memory. After trading their big3 and in 13-14 to 18-19, they drafted really well (Smart, Brown, Tatum) and got good vets (IT/Ky/Hayward/Al) resulting to two ECF appearance in the span of 5 years.

  8. Jaylen Brown your next video Sporting Logically 😤😤😤😤😤😤😤😤😤😤😤😤😤😤😤😤😤😤😤😤😤😤😤😤😤😤😤😤😤😤😤😤😤😤😤😤😤😤😤😤😤😤😤😤

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