@Golden State Warriors

(@957thegame) Steve Kerr on last night’s tough loss: “I didn’t have my best game as a coach… Should’ve left Moses in the game… Watching the tape over again that was a really terrible decision.”

(@957thegame) Steve Kerr on last night’s tough loss: “I didn’t have my best game as a coach… Should’ve left Moses in the game… Watching the tape over again that was a really terrible decision.”

by shanks_you


  1. shanks_you

    If this is a wake up call, then it’s worth it I guess.

    But I have reservations on that Steve, cause you’ve been contradicting yourself mate

  2. cosmicvitae

    No fucking shit, but at least he realizes it. Baby steps

  3. Alternative-Block544

    Watch Steve do absolutely nothing about it

  4. BaseUncultured

    Like just imagine if the Lakers pulled Lonnie Walker out early during game 4

  5. Wow….there may just be hope for good ol Steve after all

  6. Kerr will fix his mistake by completely benching Moody the moment he makes a mistake.

  7. Okay, now take this, adjust, and move on. No more crocodile tears without taking corrective action, Mr. Kerr.

  8. That’s surprising he actually came out and said exactly what everyone else saw.

    Usually he’d just said it wasn’t his best night or allude to a bad coaching performance. But I don’t think I’ve ever seen him straight up say I was bad last night, especially because of this moment and decision.

    To be fair, most coachs and players beat around the bush if they even acknowledge they fucked up in the first place. So honestly pleased with his response.

    We lost and that sucks, but there are some good indicators of where we are heading that’s positive.

    Klay, Steph, Wiggs all had 20+ game. So scoring seems to be coming back.

    That first half was prime warriors on both sides of the ball. Great performance from Green in the first half.

    Greens 3 continues to be above 40% if I’m not mistaken, which if he can actually keep up his percentage on low volume, that’s going to be game changing come playoffs.

  9. funkybosss

    Credit Steve for eating some humble pie here. Klay please take note.

  10. zer01zer08

    Everyone watching knew it was going to happen considering it’s what Kerr does. Last night wasn’t the first time he’s done that. It’s what he’s known for, pull the hot hand and bench him.

  11. wewantthefunk354

    Is this dude senile? How do you not see during the game that your guy is red hot and knocking down 3s? I genuinely don’t understand.

  12. Smile_Miserable

    He probably means he woulda left out wiggins. I doubt he realized he shoulda benched klay

  13. Dry-Hearing-4127

    All this shoul’ve, would’ve is bs. Kerr should bench klank in the first place and start moody. We all know which player costs the warriors the game and its klank thompson he always taking tough shots with a defender so close to him then those baseball pass, behind the back passes turnovers is still there and too much fouling. How can you win with all of those

  14. SchraleAnus

    No shit, every armchair expert could’ve told you the same 😂

  15. He does the same shit whenever Curry gets hot. Can’t have him going past the 3 min mark in the 1st or 3rd quarter because it goes against his minutes

  16. stayfrosty

    Well at least he admits it. I have to admire Steve for willing to call himself out. Not many coaches (or people) can

  17. Mike10357

    Was he not on the sideline while it was happening?? He had the best seat in the house

  18. Moist_Caregiver

    Okay this actually makes me feel a lot better. The thing that pissed me off more than anything was his lack of accountability post game.

  19. it’s just some bs shit he’s spitting out. in his mind, he’ll go with the vets no matter what

  20. HamsterCapable4118

    This needs to be extrapolated into how he’s interpreting the game in the moment. When Moody makes a shot he probably quietly says to himself “Whoah what was lucky”. And when Klay bricks a bunch, it’s “he’s due”.

  21. Scuttleduck

    Steve is fantastic at playoff adjustments. Think of how many series we’ve won after being down 2-1, and think of how many coaches fail to adjust. It is fair to criticize his player development. I hope he’s the coach as long as Steph is on the team, and I hope we find our way back to where he’s at his best.

  22. MachiavelliSJ

    Ok, this just got stupider. He had to rewatch the game to realize this?

  23. The truth is that we need our young guys to play well in order to win. With GP2 out now, Moses should be getting plenty of minutes, no more excuses Steve

  24. Successful-Wasabi704

    Kerr needs to be fired and replaced with a coach that actually has a record of winning and has rings. Klay needs to be benched. Trade Wiggins, CP3 and Kuminga for Levine and draft picks. Moody can stay. Steph wasted his best years with the Dubs for nothing and should go to the Knicks (in a 3 way trade for Siakam) where Steph will have a chance at a ring. Dubs need a rebuild.

  25. Don’t give me any hope, it’s been countless times I had hope watching warriors game and disappointed.

  26. talentedmrbourne

    Damage control. Even the Kerr apologist couldn’t defend pulling Moody who should have had 5 3s in the 4th while Klay had 3 points the entire second half.

    I would bet Kerr would do the same if he had the chance.

  27. ArtfulLying

    Well… fair I guess. At least he said it. Let’s hope this is a step towards the young guys playing more

  28. Rsardinia

    Kerr gets so blinded by sticking to his game plan and rotations.

    Why did he need to watch the tape to see that was a stupid move? If he was watching the game he’d have seen Moody was the only one doing anything at that point in the game that wasn’t named Steph.

  29. Smart_Ad_4039

    Say what you will about Steve Kerr, but he’ll admit when he’s made a mistake.

  30. He didn’t admit it after the game, he said he needed veterans presence. Only after seeing all of the comments by the media did he admit it.

  31. He’ll never sit Klay, even if Wiggins and Moody are doing well. He knows Klay is mentally weak right now.

  32. youngmostafa

    Good he admitted it

    But this sub won’t let him live it down lol

    Just be thankful he doesn’t have a big enough ego to not admit it. Good coaching and leadership right there

  33. If you listen to the rest of the Willard/Dibs interview, Kerr provides context and his reasoning for why he goes to the vets time and time again.

    I don’t fully agree with the sentiment, but I appreciate knowing the why behind his actions at least.

  34. julezy696

    Moody didn’t miss a shot the game before it either…..He is in form….No excuse for not playing him, yet he was gonna be DNP…. Unbelievable

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