@Golden State Warriors

The Warriors Biggest Problem Is Out Of Control

CHECK OUT NEW KORZLITE HERE! What If Steph Curry Was In LeBron James’s Draft Class?
The Warriors Biggest Problem Has Gotten Out Of Control
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  1. Did you even do research on this? Wiggs got a rib injury in the Lakers series and he had to heal during the summer. Thats the reason he wasnt in shape during the start of the season

  2. Ok, I'll just start this by saying I'm hurt as a warriors fan. Yesterday's loss to the kings was batshit crazy, we had a 20+ pt lead, and everyone knew we were gonna lose and we lost.

    That said, your analysis is good, but not spot on. The issue is Kerr. KERR. KERR KERR!!!

    Is Wiggins shooting poorly? Yes. But the coach isn't helping either. There are no set plays for Wiggins. He is asked to improvise. Why would you hand someone who isn't confident the reins? Draw up some set plays. Let him take and make 2 layups before a jump shot attempt. Go to the hole, get a foul called (his FTs are abysmal as well, but at least he'd be getting people in foul trouble).

    The same issue goes for the youngsters. They don't get set plays. And they constantly have to look over their shoulder when they make a mistake. They are playing nervous all the time. Not a good way to foster good behavior.

    In the 4th quarter of the kings game, Moody knocked down 3 straight 3s. What did Kerr do? Bench him for Wiggins and Klay!!
    Like he was the only one hitting shots!! Yet the youngsters are under performing.

    Kerr needs to change his thinking. Everyone isn't Steph. All plays are for Steph and Klay. But only Steph can shoot consistently enough within those sets.

  3. This was the first and last video I'll watch from you. This seems like a heavily forced opinion.

  4. I disagree, no one thought Wiggins would be the second option on a championship team. Also he’s going through personal issues so basketball isn’t his priority rn.

  5. Hey Mike don't mean to s*** on your parade but the Minnesota Timberwolves did not draft Andrew Wiggins the Cleveland cavaliers did

  6. Kerr is weak. Klay is washed, arrogant, and not a team player – yet Kerr won’t man up and deal with it. He also gets punked by Draymond – who is a boat anchor and a liability.

  7. I did not realise the Warriors messed up those drafts so bad.
    They are going to struggle big time in Currys last years and post Curry.
    Missing out on Melo or Hali, Sengun and Franz is craaazy

  8. Klay's ego. It's always been Klay his ego. He brags about having 4 rings, but has zero Finals MVP to show for, that even Iggy has one… while he shows that he looks tough, but that is just a defensive mechanism he is insecure. Anyways, where are the bandwagon fans now? Probably cheering for the Celtics.. lol

  9. Turn to Jesus people he died for your sins. Repent of what the New testament describes as sin. Believe the gospel get baptized and obey the teachings of Jesus. The gospel and the teachings of Jesus are documented in Matthew Mark Luke and John. Jesus is the only way to be saved God bless you all. If you have faith in Jesus through your faith you will live life with him as your example..

  10. They thought they wanna gunna get another one after that 22 chip but that really set them up for failure Curry carried them the whole way and everyone else got payed hahahaha now look at them

  11. That big of a drop wouldn’t come from not practicing in the off season. I’m a highschool player, and kids in high school will not practice at all over the off season and still come back and shoot better than that relative to their previous season. That kind of drop in one year has got to be mental.

  12. Warriors problem is Kerr. Kerr is too scared to bench Klay because of he doesn't want to hurt Klay's ego.
    Warriors should start CP3 and Steph then bench Klay. While I understand that Wiggins is not playing well, he still have time to adjust. Dude missed almost the entire season last year. This take is way off blaming the struggle to Wigs.

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