@Boston Celtics

Stephen A. Smith addresses criticism aimed at Malika Andrews

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  1. Stephen, this is a bad take, and why reporters lose the confidence of the people. If Malika reported things in the monotone parlance associated with news reporting, perhaps we could give her grace. But she doesn't. She tried to embarrass you on your own show; I've heard her bring up accusations on the same day an athlete died, and she does it with passion and conviction. It's only fair that people demand she keep the same energy for the white guy. And yes, this is about race because she made it that way.

  2. Nah… this made it worse. Same BS that was said when they were hush on Dana White. We get it. We know the world we live in. Just don't piss on us and tell us it's raining.

  3. In my Trini accent & slang " Stephen A Smith go so." Stop making stupid excuses for Malika. She was very negatively vocal against Brandon Miller on draft night not to mention other black men in the NBA etc. As the Josh Giddey situation came out She turned into a mute🤐

  4. Am sorry Stephen A needs to let her fight her own battle. She started on this road let her get the bumps and bruises that comes with it. Now she wants to be quite smh.

  5. Y’all mainstream WORKERS are being exposed. Prob receive much more respect if y’all just told the truth… THEM YT people instruct y’all on who and what to talk about.

  6. Don't talk down to us like we are stupid! We don't need you to whitewash Malika's behavior, we have witnessed her hatred for black man.

  7. Stephen A too PC. It’s the elephant in the room man. Stop downplaying it. She has a personal vendetta. I literally don’t watch anything she’s on because she’s disgusting.

  8. Malika Andrew’s – bought up all the charges about Celtics head coach Joe mazulla that he was accused of in COLLEGE. When the they should have been celebrating him becoming the officially Coach

  9. I don't disagree with SAS commentary except that Malika should not comment without all the facts. No one said She should report it as if we do, we are only saying speak on the facts that he is being investigated for allegedly sleeping with a minor. To say absolutely nothing until yesterday was the issue. So just as she stated its an attack on woman, it is also attack on black men!

  10. So y'all really think this woman can go on air and say what she says without the green light from producers?! In those meetings, you discuss the show plan, topics, news, etc and they confirm the script for the show. The network ALLOWS reporters/journalists to report whispers, off the record convos, and interviews of information. She is not allowed to go on air to say whatever she wants unless it's approved by higher ups or she's willing to risk her job. So if she said something, true or not, there are ppl in place who told her to report it, approved.her to report it, or let her report it without consequences. Send your complaints, threats, and concerns to the ppl actually in charge 🙄!

  11. Stephen A(when speaking on Josh Giddy) : " You cant talk bout a situation without having all the facts"

    Stephen A(when speaking on KPJ): "if KPJ is guilty of what he acussed of(proceeds to rattle off long list of accusations) then he shouldnt have a job in the NBA & should be thrown in jail."

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