@Indiana Pacers

Indiana Pacers Searching for Consistency! Trade Rumors

#bornreadyjones #nba #indianapacers


  1. I trust in what Rick is doing right now. These are extremely young dudes. Let 'em cook! Our fan base got to stop being so fucking extreme.

  2. We have a historic offense at this point but y'all want to blow it up because we didn't win a championship in under 20 games 😂. Like nothing is good enough for us

  3. We're 9-7.. we've had some disappointing losses but we've had great wins too. No need to panic or be downbeat.

    Look at the rest of the league and smile 😂

  4. They are 9-7 and several key defensive stops away from being 12-4. Very frustrating. They can't get stops, so they are on pace for my 42-40 prediction.

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