@National Basketball Association

Devin Booker on the In-Season Point Tiebreakers: “… I wish every game was like that where you play until the end and it wasn’t viewed as disrespectful. Just high competition.”

Devin Booker on the In-Season Point Tiebreakers: “… I wish every game was like that where you play until the end and it wasn’t viewed as disrespectful. Just high competition.”

by SirUlrichofEssex


  1. Westcoastchi

    Finally the other side of this ridiculous argument is represented.

  2. THANK YOU! Now tell that to Jaylen Browns soft as charmin ass

  3. LeBremsstrahlung

    “But don’t double team me in pickup. That shit is disrespectful.”

  4. bigbenis2021

    Wonder if he had this same energy for his teammates when Zion had that dunk last year.

  5. I want to see teams leave in their starters to run up the score and the other team just not care and put in their 3rd stringers.

  6. Slim-Ticket

    Point differential always mattering would be great to boost stats too (which basically everyone wants unless you’re at the end of your career and don’t care lol).

    High competition and ideal to “stat pad” lol, “stat padding” won’t even be a thing because all those points matter. Booker’s dream scenario because he can keep hitting shots when he’s hot haha

  7. Efficient_Art_1144

    God damnit I gotta give it to Booker here. A much better response than JT and JBs

  8. ruubduubins

    Ya defense is still a thing. Don’t wanna get humiliated, play defense.

    I don’t feel bad. You’re professionals getting paid.

    If you don’t wanna get your ass kicked, play better

  9. Am I wrong or did he and the suns all throw a bitch fit when Zion dunked on them to end a game last year

  10. Totally agree. People pay good money to watch those games and even the bench guys are making crazy money to play these games. Play every point.

  11. VisionDFW

    When the guy you dislike most makes a great point.

  12. whowasonCRACK2

    He said just let me score 70 in garbage time without getting clowned please

  13. maybe the in season tournament finally puts wilts 100 points record in jeopardy.

    if some guy (like booker) gets hot and has a green light to keep pouring it on for all 4 quarters to build the point differential.

  14. GaroobisPasta

    Wow I’m agreeing with Devin here, wtf is going on

  15. CantHandleTheTruth34

    It’s as simple as everyone is a professional being paid a lot of money. The game is not over until the buzzer and should be played that way whether it’s benchwarmers going all out in a blowout or starters duking it out. I hate the “disrespecting the game/opponents” point. Opponents are disrespecting the game/themselves if they’re getting blown out.

  16. AdmiralWackbar

    Spoken like a guy that’s drop a 70 piece before

  17. CabbageStockExchange

    “No sportsmanship for the hall of fame CPU!” – ~~Chris Smoove~~ Devin Booker

  18. Yes!


    Comparing to baseball is dumb. In baseball if you run up the score the game could just… not end. There’s no clock in baseball. You could score a thousand runs in an inning and the game just keeps going on until 3 outs.

  19. When you have no actual argument in response to what he said so you bring up the double team and mascot memes.

  20. “Devin Booker just wants more empty stats” -this sub

  21. Admirable-Squash9607

    The Bulls had this specific problem of not liking that the Cs were running up the score last week so they can make sure they win Group C and move on in the IST. Mazzulla explained what was happening to Donovan. Billy didn’t appreciate it apparently. Neither did DeRozan. Honestly, tough shit. Players make way too much money to not try to be this competitive all game, every single game.

  22. overweighttardigrade

    People pay for 48 mins, give us 48 minutes

  23. jomanhan9

    Normally I feel like Booker is kinda a punk but I totally agree with him here. Grown men getting all in their feelings about the other team continuing to compete in a basketball competition…

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