@Chicago Bulls

How Bleak is the Chicago Bulls Future, Really?

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Discussing the Bulls future based on their current assets, draft capital, and salary cap situation

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  1. Trade demar and lavine
    Letā€™s get this rebuild ready and let the young guys play . This trio of Derozan lavine and vuc doesnā€™t work

  2. Lavine need to go. I would keep derozan and give him his last contract. Vuch…50/50…! Question why can't Billy be fired just because he signed a new contract. That sounds odd…please explain šŸ™‚

  3. Its not nearly as bleak as the Clippers, The Bulls have much better young talent and their own pick plus they have more time to deal their best assets

  4. Under THIS ownership, bleak, as long as they are still making the profit, they don't care, they have never shown they care about the product at least by all the decisions they have made, or more accurately doesn't make. the Bulls got lucky with MJ, D. Rose for a while other than that the product hasn't been great, always floating ion the middle, no marque free agents wants to come, sorry being so pessimistic but being a Bulls fan for nearly 30 years other than enjoying MJs last 3 championships and D. Rose for a while, Bulls has always been mediocre at best

  5. We've got some assets, but I'm doubtful that AKME can properly rebuild this team. We played so well without DeMar and LaVine hogging all the shots. Coby, Alex, Vooch, and even PWill played well! I saw emotion on Pats face for the first time! Maybe there is hope for him?

  6. I hope the next few games we keep giving minutes to the young players that we have. Allow them to make mistakes and develop. I loved Ayo, he was awesome. Koby was scrappy and fought hard to keep the team in the game and did a great job even not being very efficient shooting the ball. And Pat… (I know we've been in this place before) maybe this was the turnaround for him. This was the first time I've seen him exploding and yelling after a play. Maybe this was his wake up. The only way to figure it out, it's for him to have quality minutes with the freedom to make plays and make mistakes. Anyway… Loved to see this gus playing around Vooch. First time this season I was actually proud of this team.

  7. I want Caruso to stay a Bull for life! He's a culture setter and great for the young guys.

  8. The front office is looking to see what a post Derozan and Lavine looks like from last game. The problem is Zach is going to be hard to move unless the front office is okay with getting mediocre players in return. The first order of business should be moving Derozan. Derozan is in a contract year and will be 35 soonā€¦ Next should be Williams who hasnā€™t lived up to being the 3rd overall pick and who is also in a contract year. These are really no brainersā€¦ It really boils down to Zach or Billy, pick your poison. If you move off of Zack get used to Billy and rebuilding for the next 10 seasons.

  9. I like the core of Coby, P Will, Caruso and Vuc. With a probable top-10 pick this draft and whatever you can get for Lavine and Demar, they can make a very fun team to watch.

  10. Don't trade Alex Caruso. Allow him to play through his contract. Caruso is too valuable to trade away for draft picks. Sometimes you just need SMART people to play with and hope that intelligence is contagious throughout the Bulls roster. #continuity

  11. The Bulls future looks bleak unless we get new ownership that actually cares about putting an actual Bulls team that can compete for championships again which might never happen in my lifetime

  12. If you could get multiple picks even if some of those are 2nd rounders that would be a nice start. More picks = more chances. Even if AKME are not that great at drafting more picks gives you a higher chance of being successful. It is not hopeless so long as AKME does something. If they continue to do nothing that is bleak.

  13. Bleakest or not, it's still very bleak. And it will be even more bleak if the Bulls trade one of their few tradeable assets in Zach LaVine for win-now players instead of recuperating assets, they would be running this team into the ground, which is organizational malpractice.

  14. I personally like to keep AC around with the likes of Coby Ayo Pat Phillips Terry. See some of Bitam, Senago and Justin Lewis. Get some future first round picks back if you can or some younger pieces like Reeves and Hachimura and I think the Bulls don't need to go full rebuild but stay competitive, Go younger and build on the fly while also AK fingers crossed, hopefully hits on some .of the next few draft picks and like you said you keep Carter and maybe Craig around along with AC as your vets to help grow these young players and build a winning culture.

  15. As long as we got Caruso, Coby, Jevon, TC, PWILL , and Ayo weā€™ll be fine. Throw in Vooch double double machine

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