@National Basketball Association

[Highlight] Walt Clyde Frazier when asked what city is least friendly towards him: “Boston”

[Highlight] Walt Clyde Frazier when asked what city is least friendly towards him: “Boston”

by SwellandDecay


  1. Other_Ambition_5142

    Shocking I tell you! Least racist city!

  2. I mean, aside from “lmao racism”, Knicks v Celtics was a big rivalry in the 70s when Walt was playing. They met in the conference finals a few times, so not really surprising this is his answer.

  3. VirtuousFool

    that laugh said so much while saying so little

  4. _b4byb34r

    hey, at least our cops don’t choke someone to death for selling looseys

  5. Nonono, you don’t understand. They were calling him a ‘Knicker’ because he played for the Knicks.

  6. background_action92

    I would love to go to Boston but i dont wanna get called mean things 😔

  7. foureyes07

    We are called Massholes for a reason y’all.

  8. CupOfHotTeaa

    the same fans that posted ai generated pictures of jrue getting lynched after a bad game

  9. Final_Surround_1556

    You could ask any minority this question and it would be Boston.

  10. Laszlo-Panaflex

    “I don’t think about you at all.” – the city of Boston.

  11. LyonsKing12

    Dennis lookin like mini dwight with them shoulders

  12. Fast_Stick_1593

    And since we are on the topic of hating.


  13. jugglers_despair

    Send this directly to r/nbacirclejerk do not pass go, do not collect $200

  14. MyNewAccountIGuess11

    But reddit said Boston is no more racist than any other city

  15. Ramstetter

    Why does Dennis look like a 2K27 version of himself here lmao. It just seems so… off

  16. TomatilloUnlucky3763

    How does a blue city in a blue state end up so racist?

  17. If you ask a random athlete I bet they say Philly or Boston 8/10 times.

  18. alreddy-reddit

    Me main takeaway here is Dennis is schrëdded

  19. xPineappless

    Boston, a city with not much diversity and being racist? Shocker.

  20. musing_wanderer3

    Always surprised by Boston have such a racist reputation

    Because as a city, it has quite an impressive portfolio of higher education and ranks high across metrics in science, law, business…usually these places would tend to trend liberal…

  21. MikeyCanFly13

    The city that had some dipshit break into Bill Russell’s home and take a dump on his bed?

  22. TheOnionWatch

    Time for all rival fans to grt giddy and call Boston racist. Most people in this sub are not mature enough for this discussion.

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